DeSean Blackwell

I don't think there's really any other way to portray her though and even though her role is limited, I think she's a pretty deep character that's going to be expanded in the 2nd season. While I'm not a black woman, I am a black man and I understand the stereotypes of hypersexuality of blacks in media I also believe

Matt net Stick when he was 9 or 10 years old, he got blinded at 9. His father was killed not too long after Matt became blinded, put into the orphanage and he met Stick. It just depends on the timeline between his father's death and meeting Stick and it depends on how long Stick trained him.. Stick returned to Matt 20

It's not like Foggy went in and beat their asses like he was Matt, he had the element of surprise threw a baseball at the back of someone's head and Karen maced the same guy, then he hit the other guy with a baseball bat. He just got lucky all it really did. It forced Karen to get him involved with the investigation

I don't think those thugs are idiots they knew she was carrying something either a taser or mace. By the time she pulled it out she was pinned against the wall and even if she sprayed one guy, the other much larger guy grabs her hand and beats the shit out of her. I know girls who carry a can of pepper spray and think

Finally finished season 2, awesome season and I look forward to season 3. As soon as Felicity told Oliver that they should let Slade outhink them and the look on Oliver's face, I knew their conversation was an ruse, it seemed to corny, a little too hokey for both of them but for a split second after Oliver left they

I'm behind on watching season 2 and just catching up on I (blame that on being on patrol during the season) but I have to say the "Bechdel" test doesn't mean anything as far as having strong female characters in a plot. Movies have passed the test and their female characters were weak and there are movies and TV shows

Piper isn't going to risk extending her sentence and everyone seems to know that. So while Piper is technically apart of the "White group" she's not actively involved in any illegal business nor does she came to care enough. Red understands this so she leaves her out.

I actually like Vee has an character, it's nice to have an true villain but at the same have an villain who feels justified in her actions. In a way she's right, the blacks are doormats, Black Cindy does lack ambition and should get serious about her future, Suzanne should be treated like an human being, Taystee will

Except she had sex with Nikki pretty easily and she was someone she barely knew.

Since I've lived in Oregon I've been on quite a few dates with girls like Brooke. They really are just fake, hipster douchebags, who think just listening to an Bob Marley track makes them enlightened and more aware. They don't really feel all that strongly about political issues like they claim to do. Her response

The thing is her race had nothing to do with her social development skills, Suzanne clearly had an mental illness, that should have been dealt with but ignored to make her feel better and appear normal with the hopes that enough TLC and having her interact with more people would improve that. Personally I would have

What's funny is that me and my friends (all males) had an similar conversation about the urethral opening.

In real life, prison is divided racial lines, I remember watching an documentary and a new inmate who got transferred to a new prison asked one of the Hispanics "Where his people were" and the Hispanic guy pointed out that the blacks hang out in another area. Which the guy went to.

I'm thinking Kirsten McDuffie or Echo, she favor both characters or both characters favor her. There's the off chance she's Linda Carter/Night Nurse, a nurse who worked in Hell's Kitchen and would work on super heroes.