
I used to play a lot of coed softball and it was both competitive and easy going. We wanted to win but there was no yelling at players who made mistakes or players taking balls that weren’t theirs, it was a very friendly atmosphere while also being competitive. That said, it would be rare for us to play more than the

My name is ‘Gizmodo’ and I’m mad at Peter Theil for sueing the shit out of me for my poor journalistic integrity, slander, and other trash tabloid bullshit that I try to pass off to the public. So I am going to write mean articles about all of his friends because I am a petty piece of shit asshole.

No, he’s just padding the middle of the road for his inevitable severance package. It’s a smart move!

I wouldn’t call an off-handed joke a “rabid anti-tesla rant”, but I guess if you’re hyper-sensitive you could perceive it as such.

Remember folks, doxxing is bad unless it’s done against people you disagree with.

No writer attribution? Cowardly. Also, I don’t approve of doxing anyone, even if they are garbage people. Work within the system or change it. Don’t be a little bitch about it. Let me go track down HamNo’s number and a few other choice writers since it’s open game.

Seriously. It’s really amazing to watch at this point how everyone blames Trump and Bush while completely ignoring that Obama did everything they blame Bush and Trump for. Trump is actually enforcing laws passed while Obama was in office and laws passed while Bush was in office.

Weird, it’s almost like there was some guy between the 43rd and 45th POTUS’ who continued this policy - to much less fanfare and media attention than today... *thinking emoji*

“14 Heartbreaking Photos That Will Make You Say ‘Fuck Having Borders and Law and Rules’”

Why don’t you put on a dunce cap and sit in a corner? Think about what you just said.

Probably in the minority here, but I think it’s fair for an athlete not to want to take part in someone else’s political speech - not wearing the jersey isn’t that different than not wanting to stand for the anthem. This isn’t a private team, it’s the USWNT, for all intents and purposes an arm of the state.

Hello, please explain how the statement: “Both Mexico and Europe’s targets seem designed to punish Trump voters and red states specifically, a level of surgical precision that appears genuinely thought out” is not meddling in foreign politics? Thanks in advance. (Muh Russians!!!)

I’ma make you a deal, Mike. You guys promise to stop shoving Elon Musk social media crap down our throats, and I promise that I’ll whitelist you guys, intrusive and obnoxious ads and all.

Spinning a negative light on a website that would be beneficial for any honest media outlet kind of shows that you might not be an honest media outlet.

Look, this guy said some shitty stuff that I am sure he regrets in the light of day.

lol. Engineering. Accounting, finance.
You know, services people need and pay for..

I do not understand why this man can say literally anything and get away with it.

An honest question about how Deadspin has reported this (its an important story, and I’m glad its getting traction):

If it was so easy and simple to find, and all these teams are dumbasses for not knowing about something that happened in 1996....why has it taken you guys so long to report the story??

No one knew about this incident. How would anyone know to randomly look into Texas indictments about a case that was never brought to court? Why weren’t you reporting on this years ago? Oh, I know, because you didn’t know about it either until you knew exactly what to search for and where to search for it.

Many people weren’t aware because he didn’t do anything wrong. I know that hurts your agenda, but posting a new article every 10 minutes isn’t going to change that.