
This comment made me lol. Why do I still come here???

Waaaaaah I’m a victim, I can’t do anything for myself, waaaaah - Gawker Commentariot

Today in “Everything is offensive”

people on this site are such victims 24/7

You really don’t understand how the concept of a “contract” works, do you?

This is a top-10 dumbest take of all time on this godless site, and I’m a TRUMP GUY.


Learn to code, idiot.

Sick straw-man bro. The fact is this article and the trump bias is inherently incorrect.

The new ‘woke’ future is..........problematic

This article is trash. Drew lost his touch apparently. Cry more.

We’re on Gawker, based on the victim mentality of this site and it’s staff, what do you think, Einstein?

Actually no, this is Gawker and any way to sneak some various “-ism” whining into any article is awarded points.

Ashley being a dude is actually funnier than anything else she’s ever written. 

Now show us the proof of this article if it would have been a (D) Senator...

Sick burn bro.

Smiling is racist.

Cry more.

Excuse me, that term is problematic. Gawker, ban this man!

This site is full of horrid people, welcome to the clown world.