Did they even have prenups 51 years ago?
Did they even have prenups 51 years ago?
Please tell us he got life, and that the trial was over quickly.
I’m sorry for the pain this causes your family, but on what fucking planet is this research material? What went through his head during the investigation? Did he think that anyone would believe that excuse.
I’ll admit it, I’ve thought about some pretty horrific stuff I’d be willing to do if my morals were just a wee bit loser . I was under the impression most people think about things, it’s when we act on those thoughts that things crosses a line.
I’m one of “those guys” who tells them to show the cow the grill and scare it. I love a good rare steak, but if it’s cooked more than I like it, I eat my steak and shut up. Because jesus christ, it’s steak!
Same dude, post career and beer bloated.
When you open a business in a jurisdiction, you are expected to follow certain guidelines. And seriously, if they felt they were unconstitutional laws, why the hell would they agree to them in the first place.
It’s generally a good idea to know what laws you must comply with before you go into business.
I never expected “anti-gay for pay” to become a thing in my lifetime.
As a survivor, I want to hate her, but hating the mentally ill does nothing for anyone.
My neeners and bliskets and noone’s god damned business but my own, fuck you very much!
Walking to school and finding a Playboy, Penthouse, or gasp! Hustler was always a rare treat in the 80’s.
I’ve got a 2013 Rio, and I love it. I’m not all that “proud” of it, but I’m not ashamed.
As a user, we used to pirate via group disk swaps / local meets with some fellow BBS users, and my dad would bring home any software from work including CPM, DOS, and our first copy of Windows 3.11.
Not remotely. He broke down into bullet points how the companies have been getting away with amounts to ursury. He was not kind towards those companies, and he didn’t say anything other than that people are often desperate enough to do it without realizing the repercussions.
Why didn’t they just contact this guy...his 2012 model was amazing and still wearable.