
This guy puts any toddler to shame.

I have to agree with you, my love of cold openings grabbing you differently. So much so that my current project opens right into the story and a tutorial masked as game play, and then slowly eases the titles in. Sadly its the only cinema style portion so far, but its tested well and it makes me feel like those older

Yes, really.

We german men can’t dance.

Pretty damned good question if you ask me.

Stupid shit is all I have left to live for...

Actually, I think it was more of an exasperated homie vs. a racial homie.

Any dialog is better than two groups that obviously have serious issues with one another not communicating. The guy was and is a total prick for doing exactly what you described, and then to see some other replies to your post doing the exact same thing, it's a little embarrassing. We white folks don't understand and

The 1988 Mazda B 2000 is my spirit animal. Ha! Accessories? There’s a 4 way wedged against the back seat and they included an owners manual.

Plot twist, the middle one is the only one that isn’t a button. It stood firm against any assault as the others would slowly become uneven with one another, that cheap plastic flaking away with each day the sun would gently caress the wheel.

That clock looks like one of those Autozone specials that runs about 3 bucks but the battery lasts forever.

AS one VA driver to another, this is spot on.

I’ve been begging for a proper Keen followup. Seems like rip IP for the pickings. Not sure if id or Apogee holds the rights though.

It was a 50/50 deal. They made a HUGE deal out of the scrolling performance, which hadn’t really been seen on a PC as you did with the Genesis and Sonic. They even made callout ads in VGCE magazine wayyyy back when.

Fair point. The major beef I have with them is my primary desktop is Windows 10 for the time being. As a network drive, it’s performance can be lacking. Ideally Apple would open up and release the API, but I’m not optimistic about those odds.

Can confirm, I’ve had folks brick themselves and then scream “but I used the firmware on the page!”

I buy and sell a high volume of routers, but every one that comes into the shop gets the DD-WRT treatment before listing. They sell like hotcakes, even if it does narrow the market a little since John-Q-Public doesn’t understand the need.

I'm floored. This dude did just fine a few years back at Jiffy Lube Live with .38 Special.