Dez Bona

He never joined a superteam.... The Cavs and heat were far from superteams when he joined them so I have no idea what you are talking about. When he got there he immediately made them great teams because he makes every single player that he plays with better. Durant joined a superteam, Lebron made the teams he joined

Was about to post the same thing. A flaccid dick is very mashable. Even if it’s longer than your hand you can fold that baby up no problem.

Yeah, I would absolutely love it if we could start compensating all NCAA employees and coaches with the same form of payment as the athletes that make the money. Paid tuition! They can go to all the classes they want!

But... They found a sabertooth tiger’s bones in Tennessee at some point so it makes perfect sense for them to name the team after an extinct animal that has basically nothing to do with the city or state... It’s not like NASHVILLE has a unique identity as a city that would fit the team much better...

I’ve been watching this college softball tournament, it’s honestly a lot of fun to watch. They move from pitch to pitch crazy fast, more action than baseball, and the girls can actually show joy without worrying about getting a 99 mph fastball into the dome the next at-bat, I dig it.

Nope, it’s actually the sport I watch the most, it’s been bad this year.

Trent Dilfer was actually entertaining, you just had to pretend he was constantly battling against a terrible case of constipation and thats why he looked like he did.

And their penises

I think it aligns more with cord-cutting and the NBA and NFL being nearly unwatchable at all times.

That’s fine and I agree. I was just trying to make the point that we don’t know anything about their relationship or why they were arguing. I guess everybody took that as me defending the guy’s actions which isn’t surprising... As far as the ‘could’ve’ vs ‘could of’ thing, I thought it was now acceptable to use ‘could

And sometimes there’s just blow.

When did I try to explain away aggressive behavior against women? The guy obviously shouldn’t of acted like that and I didn’t give any excuses for his behavior. What I said was we don’t know what was happening with the guy and girl.... The above posters said that guys should learn to leave girls alone when hitting on

Have they actually released what happened? Or are you guys just assuming he was talking to a girl who wasn’t interested in him and this is what set him off? I understand he was in a heated argument with a girl and if they have officially said that’s what happened then ok, but gathering that from only a grainy video of

Lebrons a better PG than both of them.

I would pay money to never have to see this again. I know it has been pounded by everyone already but my god. Whoever buys the team can win a lot of fans over by blowing it the hell up their first day.

Yeah, if he would of stayed in St. Louis he would have near Musial status here. He was the most beloved sports figure I’ve seen the entire time I’ve lived here (2 decades). He once ran over the front end of my friend’s car on a back road in the suburbs in his big ass truck... 15 police cars showed up and every officer

Not really. I loved the way he swayed menacingly while awaiting a pitch and his swing is pretty beautiful and one of the most effective of all-time.

So Golics better. Got it.

Yeah, I think that Robin is actually my best character in the game. For whatever reason his combos feel natural to me. Needless to say I never use him and play as Deadshot just because of how much Robin’s character sucks.

I mean it’s like paying hundreds of dollars (or thousands if you have close seats) to watch a hamster fight a grizzly bear when you’re rooting for the hamster.