Dez Bona

Whoa man chill out... I don’t really know what you are talking about when you say tOSU fans can’t spell. When one person says OH someone else is suppose to say IO. Which spells Ohio... I mean is it the coolest thing in the world? No. But neither is the seminoles waving their hands like axes or the gator chomp. They’re

The last time I was at wrigley, dudes were pissing in the corner of the restroom just on the wall. There were also cups of piss everywhere, including outside of the restroom. Still a better experience then the time I went to a Cardinals-Red Sox world series game and had to listen to the loudest Bostonian try to start

I wish it did. Have them kick PATs, except your kicker can only take one of the kicks. Its best out of 5. Those 10 kicks would if been the best parts of this game.

I find that I’m only really watching the cowboy’s (not at all a cowboys fan) and the only reason is so that I can watch Ezekial Elliot run plays. I don’t know why but I’m currently finding a hard 4 yard run much more entertaining than any pass play in the NFL, which I find strange.

After seeing that punch around 6,000 times, my favorite part is no longer the actual punch but the fact that he kept his glove on and went to slap him with back side of it afterwards.

Yeah since drones are such a dangerous hobby. He should of wrapped himself in bubble wrap and not moved until his start right?

Yeah, I think they are going for the same type of thing as the NBA shows with Shaq, Chuck, and Kenny. The problem is half of them are speaking second languages, they aren’t really funny, and they don’t really have anything interesting to say... They got the slightly incompetent part down though, just like the nba guys.

That’s the joke.

Whoa whoa whoa. We don’t hate Lebron because he is good. We hate him because he went on tv and announced where he was going to play basketball the next year, raising millions of dollars for charities in the process. Get our irrational hatred of athletes straight.

I just thought he was an overly passionate player for a while but after that assault situation I’ve grown to dislike him. He bumped into a dude in the bar and when the guy doesn’t bow down to him, he freaks out. Then a whole day passes and he is still so bothered by it that he goes and open hand slaps the dude in the

Nah I’m good with that.

I do the same thing. It also involves celebratory fist pumps like I just sunk the winning putt at augusta, screaming “HOLDING!” when there probably wasn’t a hold, and yelling out my perfect play calls after the one that was actually called didn’t work.

Eh, I’m good with it. It looks like 17 people got it and enjoyed the silly video of Urban getting hit in the face. I guess I could add “(Sarcasm)“ at the end of the comment, but then I wouldn’t give you guys the opportunity to freak out about what I said. I think one guy even looked up the exact rule. I find that kind

I’m pretty sure that’s Ashley Scaeffer....

I don’t know if this is indicative of a wrestler’s greatness but I had a Goldberg action figure when I was a kid, and I never watched wrestling. He also played a prisoner with a huge penis in an Adam Sander movie, so there’s that.

Yeah I know... it was meant as a joke. Thank you all for pointing out the obvious and telling me it was in fact Meyer’s fault. You have all proven your brilliance when it comes to sideline rules in NCAA football.

Haha For as much shit as St. Louis gets it’s probably the only place in the country where both a baseball team and a hockey team are better supported than an NFL team. I’ve always kind of liked that about the place.

Now playing

In college, however, this isn’t the case. A ref will punch a coach in the face and then flag him for it.

But oh man, everything is on the rise with this team. I mean maybe not this year but next year they are contenders. Next year for sure. I know thats what we were saying last year.... and the year before that.... and also the two years before that.... but next year the rams break out, just you watch.