
You can say any hurtful thing you want about me - hell, you can say a hundred hurtful things about me, and I promise I'll take your $5,000 settlement and keep my mouth shut and not go to the media.

She referred to herself in the third person... As "Big Mama"!!!! That was the funniest thing I've read in a few days!

Well not everything has to result in litigation.

It is not okay to support child rape for any reason, whether it is because you want free food or dancing or whatever myriad of reasons you're talking about. It is not ok to support child rape and say 'Oh poor me, I didn't know the child didn't want to be raped'. Child rape is still wrong even if you happen to live in

"used up older women" were teen girls once, and we remember what men like you are like.

You're ugly and have bad breath, right? And a virgin.

In other words, women who won't sleep with you=most of us.

Now playing

There's the creep-thing right there. I'm not going to try to shame you or anything, but you'll be surprised to know that you do not represent the majority and is why I say that you have a youth fetish. Its an irregular thing, but the creep part comes from the presumption that it is the norm when it isn't.
Misogyny is

Creeps like ThereGoesTheNeighborhood like teens because they hope that since they are young and inexperienced they are much easier to manipulate than an adult. On top of that TGTN likes to pretend feminists are baaaaad, when really he's just a creepy, nasty misogynist.

I'm okay with it exactly as carried out since they were there to celebrate child rape.

I think you're being disingenuous. You do care. You care enough to make excuses for a practice that leads to the sexual molestation and death of young girls.

Why does a grown man WANT to fuck a 16 year old? I mean, I understand if you can't find someone else your own age to hang out with, because, you know, feminism. But why is that the 16 year olds fault?

You're treating objections over situations with an extreme likelihood of being predatory as little more than "old hags" or "used up" older women. This phrasing is typically only used under the implication that older strongly correlates to "used up", and that women being "used up" is even a thing (newsflash: it is

You're a creep because you want to fuck 13 year olds.

Liam Neeson's character in taken needs to have a word with you.

No, it would imply that you're just a creep.

She was going to be raped. You are defending a rapist and pedophile.

Hey neckbeard, you're missing your MRA meeting where you will complain how no woman wants to sleep with you because they are all lesbians.

His friends were at a party to celebrate their "union" (aka the normalization and permanency of his pedophilia), so no, I don't feel bad at all that they were poisoned.

So from your comments, I'm just going to assume that you like to rape little girls. Only explanation for the crap that spews from your mouth.