That's pretty much my only problem with GMO foods. There's no way to keep nature from doing it's thing! It's highly unfair that these companies can sue other farmers for having their plant's genes in other plant's genes. That is absolutely absurd.
That's pretty much my only problem with GMO foods. There's no way to keep nature from doing it's thing! It's highly unfair that these companies can sue other farmers for having their plant's genes in other plant's genes. That is absolutely absurd.
Aw, a multi-billion dollar corporation has to label boxes differently? How inconvenient. I see that really eating into their profits.
That sounds like my house sometimes and I live alone. This just makes them sound human and cool.
GMOs are one of the single most dangerous technologies for food security—and it has nothing to do with their alleged "safety."
This reminds me of many food related arguments with my roommate - not couples arguments, but at this point we are essentially married - that cover a wide spectrum of reasonable/ridiculous: "No, we do not need rice AND tortillas. WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO BE FAT?", "I do not want to eat pasta 3 days running, there are…
Tolerating eggplant IS a superpower.
My husband adds an 'l' to the word "idea." "Hey, I have an ideal! Let's go to the movies!" It drives me NUTS. At this point, I'm convinced he does it only because it annoys me.
I've never understood the anti-GM crowd. It has always just seemed like a more modern version of the previous selective breeding we've done with all the crops and domestic animals we already eat. Until someone can come up with a convincing study as to why GM crops are harmful, I think that we should push the…
Pointless silly couple arguments are one of my favorite things on Earth. My friend had an argument over whether her husband could put cream of chicken soup in pasta salad, and that is one of my favorite stories about them as a couple.
I never thought I'd say this (because I'm one of the few not rooting for her to regain her career) but this genuinely made me feel sorry for Lindsay. There is nothing more embarrassing than having your card declined.
I'm not a fan of the "all GMO foods are evil poison" contingent. I remember when that ship full of grain (or was it corn?) was sent to some famine-stricken country in Africa and our scaremongers managed to convince them to reject it, and I raged. But this is beyond ridiculous. Aren't these the people who trumpet about…
Because it's a subtle way to influence pre-judgement of the story if you show him in "thug wear" rather than a well uniformed shot. Look at say, the shots Fox News uses of the President as opposed to MSNBC, it's the visual association of the image with the narrative you want to tell.
The tabloids are determined to make the Jolie Pitts look as monstrous as possible aren't they? That sounds like my house...minus the pot smoking and billions of dollars. I get the feeling more and more those kids will grow up more normal than anyone ever expected.
How is the race of the author (or yourself) relevant when referencing the fact that a specific picture was deliberately chosen to add credence to what is, at the moment, basically a non story about two people who weren't accused of rape or inappropriate actions?
Your headline is ridiculous. Where is there any indication that this is a "sexual incident"? This is bullshit.
Okay, SHE may not remember how she got to the hospital, but doesn't the hospital? I mean, she didn't just materialize in the bed. Someone brought her there, she got checked in, etc. It shouldn't be this much of mystery. There are so many missing pieces of information that seem pretty easy to obtain.
According to a San Jose paper: "No arrests have been made nor charges filed against the players," Miami Police spokesman Rene Pimental said Thursday. "There's no evidence of a crime or a sexual assault," Pimental said. "This report is simply an incident report taken at the woman's request."