

WHAT FUCKING HUNGRY PEOPLE DID YOU FEED THAT ELEPHANT TO, JACKASS?! Show them to me. Right now. And would those people have preferred chicken, or pork, or beef, or goat? Yes. BECAUSE NO ONE FUCKING EATS ELEPHANT. Do you know how I know this? Because when poachers kill them, they leave the carcass to rot. And

The basic mechanism is "men in Somalia = kidnappey murderers with AKs." No narrowing it to al Shabaab, even. Broadening that to all of Somalia wouldn't be a good thing either. (And I'm pretty sure Mogadishu was the only place in Somalia the author could name and think readers would understand.) And seriously, can we

Morgan Miller is a twenty-something writer and pre-medical student from Philadelphia, PA who gets along well with both children and other dogs.

I'm with you too. Wasn't sure how to say it until a little while ago. There are so many people who are all "OMG YOU JUST DON'T GET THE HILARIOUS JOOOOOKE."

Yeah, it's like, I get that it's a parody of the advice you'd find in, I dunno, Cosmo or someplace. Buuuut maybe let's not make jokes at the expense of alcoholics. 'Kay?

from their very utilitarian shape of the original Swedish-based models to the more sporty models of today (still very good for safe driving), I enjoy looking at Volvos from the 70s and compare them to those of the 10s. I hope to get in one later tonight, to be honest.

Yeah, many of those women are either trafficked, or forced into it by extreme economic circumstance. And they keep almost none of the money they make. I'm not anti-sex work (but am obviously anti-trafficking, in case that needed to be clarified), but these shows aren't about women's empowerment. They are about

Old guys having sex. I dunno, the fact that a bunch of old guys getting it on is as shocking as the other ones is kinda offensive.

That's emphatically not true, that he doesn't want to "upset" anyone. King's work has been routinely blamed for violence in schools, the deterioration of culture, and it's been accused of being misogynistic itself. He has written about a lot of extremely difficult subject matter that is absolutely not "safe". He

"Safe horror"? Have you ever read "Cujo"? I'll spoil it for you. Unlike the movie, the fucking 4 year old kid you've been reading about for 300 pages dies of dehydration and heat stroke in the car. Not really the safe play if you ask me.

Have you ever read The Shining? Because it's actually really fucking good for a horror story. The movie was good as well, but I think King's criticisms are valid. The book delves much deeper into the characters AND (SPOILER ALERT!) the butler/chef saves the day and lives in the book. They, of course, kill off the

Because we all know one must be absolutely without any flaws to point out flaws in others. And everyone else absolute abides by this rule.

furthermore, I fail to see how upsetting people has become the criterion for judging books now.

Maybe talk to the child of an alcoholic before you dismiss it as "safe horror".

I don't think the misogyny he's referring to is that Jack is abusive though. He means that the Wendy he wrote had more agency than the cowering movie-Wendy; Kubrick reduced an interesting woman into a helpless victim type.

Yeah, I remember family groups lining up to say how much they loved Carrie when it came out. It's never been banned in schools or anything.

I mentioned elsewhere that mainstream gay porn uses condoms, and the world hasn't ended yet. And I'm sure they already do edits in porn—what's the likelihood of someone's ass being properly stretched after 2 minutes? So yeah, lube and more lube.

"a few sun dances, slept in a tee pee and then claims to be a navajo warrior"