
I think it's great that this is a different take on the story and I love seeing anyone on a bike since they are epic but... helmet.

I might be alone in thinking this, but... HELMET?

Um, helmet?

Here is a shocking fact for you- there are women who like video games! And they sometimes would like video games that let you choose a character let you pick a lady once in awhile! And the fact that this is exceedly rare, for a woman to be even an option in a video game avatar, is very much a problem to ladies. And,

"Try reading what I wrote or white knighting some place else."

The topic isn't going to go away, no matter how much people shove their fingers in their ears and scream, "GAMING IS PERFECT - I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!"

Speaking of people with poor comprehension skills, do you know what the term "white knighting" refers to?

That's not really the point at all. In fact, they specifically talk about not liking Trevor as a person in some of the videos. Which is a perfectly reasonable stance to take. He's not a great human being. But he's still being lauded as the highlight of the three characters, because he's a well done character.

Just sounds like you'd rather not talk about it, personally. Very "go talk about it, here, where I don't have to see it." Are you under the impression they haven't talked about the game in any other context much or at all? I mean, the review for the game alone was incredibly in depth and didn't mention misogyny even

You're only calling it pandering because you disagree. It's the worst kind of intellectual laziness to say your opponents are being insincere because you hold an opposing view.

But this is a blog about video games.

When video games deal with real life topics, expect real life concerns to come into the conversation. Just because you'd rather not talk about women's issues doesn't mean they're not an issue worth talking about.


I kind of wish you didn't interrupt yourself in the first place. Could have stuck to watching the show instead of pouring judgement on others because they don't find the same things as distasteful as you do. "So enjoy your tacky injuries."

As long as we're criticizing anecdotal evidence, you can go ahead and stuff yours about bruising easily. Because your logic is "I bruise easily but don't get hickeys therefore everyone else must be the same."

I was going to say the same thing. I didn't realise that hickies were the last bastion for feminist-approved slut shaming.

I want to be disgusted by all the slut-shaming, but my sex life is generally so vanilla that this is the first time I've been one of the sluts being shamed! I feel so honored. Or ashamed. God, I don't even know what to feel anymore!

I was just coming here to say that! The first five threads are all about whether or not hickeys are trashy or not. Wtf? How are hickeys anyone's business?

Well if you're backing up "distasteful" as "abusive" (which is...what? those words are not related in the least), then your "different strokes" message does not apply. Whether something is abuse or not is not a difference of opinion.

God, the number of people commenting that hickeys are gross/abusive/juvenile is really depressing.