Rewritten for truth: We don't include women in their correct racial groups when they don't fit our narrative. Anyone, no matter what ethnicity they claim, is white when we decide they are white.
Rewritten for truth: We don't include women in their correct racial groups when they don't fit our narrative. Anyone, no matter what ethnicity they claim, is white when we decide they are white.
Best site of all time?
I'm more inclined to think it'd be like giving translation to a really hyper dog's barking. "Look at that thing! What's that?! Oh my god, FOOD! That boob thing is incredible! What's that thing over - zzzzzzz."
Maybe there's a reason kids can't talk until they've seen a little bit of life.
My newborn would have just said "Give me them titties" on repeat. More pervy than smart, really.
If Newborn Babies Could Speak They Would Be The Most Intelligent Beings On Planet Earth.
Meh, he's 15. When I was 15 I read about the moon landing being a hoax and believed it. I probably would have tweeted about it if Twitter was around.
What did Will and Jada do that their kids always have those obnoxiously smug looks on their faces? Does Scientology teach that look?
Twice a day we do a gossip roundup called Dirt Bag. Welcome to our site.
Born on third base, wants credit for a triple.
But the problem is that this is a women who has used racial slurs, has worn blackface and has said so many racist jokes yet she draws the line at jokes about age because it affects her and once again it show that #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen.
SARAH SILVERMAN complaining about offensive comedy? SARAH SILVERMAN complaining about offensive comedy just because SHE'S the target of it this time? And we're entertaining this? You've got to be fucking kidding me.
Yeah, I'm glad she's calling out misogyny, but I wish she'd be a little more self-aware that the way she feels about being mocked for being an "old lady" is probably the way minorities and LGBT people when she and other comedians make non-stop racist and homophobic jokes. Like, its not that hard to make that final…
I hate roasts. I hate things like Punk'd. I hate anything that makes fun of people and demands that they like it or be accused of having no sense of humor. It's just abuse, plain and simple.
I feel like I would feel better about this if she didn't completely ignore the criticism of her gay jokes, and those unmentioned fat jokes about Jonah Hill... Yes, what you're saying is true, girl, but it's also true about stuff that doesn't maybe affect you that YOU joke about.
Not the racism? Color me surprised!
Can we just stop roasting people? Like in general? Maybe I'm just not cut out for the comedy scene or whatever, but the whole concept is just mean spirited. Like, it's one thing to make a quick joke at someone's expense when you're out with your friends and one of them says/does something dumb (assuming that's…
Ha! So generous and selfless, too, when it comes to sharing all that smarts with his peer group — and beyond:
I hope that the victim is doing well and getting the help and support that she needs. This guy on the other hand, I hope that he also gets help and doesn't do something like this to another person, but I kinda hope he tears his ACL and drinks himself to death.
I Am So Embarrassed For Him Because He Thinks He Said Something Wise.