
Smoking in bed when your arms aren't long enough to reach your mouth.

I saw a ring on pinterest engraved with "PUT ME BACK ON" on the inside hahaha

Why are you clinging to this stereotype of what a lesbian is and applying it to Sara Gilbert with this air of arrogant superiority "oh hahah I knew you were a lesbian before you did har har har." This is tired and I mean really tired.

When she decided to come out, Galecki told her: "I love you and I think it's really important and I'm so proud of you … If you want, I will be there and I will hold your hand."

Seriously? No link to Fuck You Carl Wu? Fail Jez, fail. :)

Wet Blanket here. It's actually not ok to give a kitten or cat cow's milk. it fucks uo their digestion and gives them diarrhea.

Agreed....Also, I was a at a convention in Atlanta. Someone was cosplaying Pennywise. It was just me and him waiting on the elevator. The elevator came. He held it for me. I told him that I'd catch the next one. I spent the entire day dodging him. Because, no, I don't like clowns.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, no more Pennywise. I read It when I was 14 and still can't look a clown in the eyes or even go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. He knows what scares me and it's him.

This reminds me of the Kill Your Rapist stickers/graffiti that's been popping up. I wonder how the guy who wrote "whore" on the survivor's picture would react to seeing this scrawled on his.

Personally, kids shouldn't be in adult spaces after 8 or 9pm... but otherwise I'm completely cool with it.

I don't have kids yet, but I have a very different opinion. I'm fine with babies being in a bar or other adult location because they won't pickup on what's going on around them. But if I'm out at a bar with friends I am likely having a more adult conversation. I don't like cursing or talking about sex in front of

Here's the thing, though. Sometimes it's really freakin' awesome to see a movie revival in a movie theater. It's not the same experience as seeing it at home, nor should it be. When the only option to see said movie revival in a theater has iDon'tGiveAFuckAboutAnyoneButMEEEEEEEEEE app shit going on, I can understand

The point is that I think that it's bad because it's normalization of usage of mobile devices during shows that's creeping in. I dislike the second screen stuff at home, too, because I think it discourages the connectedness that can occur during viewings with others.

The problem with having non-second screen showings as well is that you still have the normalization of the use of screens during movies going on here. I'm vehemently against the presence of mobile devices at concerts, movies, plays, etc., because it encourages people to become detached from shared social events.

It's about keeping a few spaces around where people are encouraged NOT to use mobile devices. The movie theater is meant to be something of a quiet space. This is encroaching on one of the few spaces we have left from mobile screens. It's not a good thing.

I hate everyone who is going to a Second Screen showing.

fuck you. seriously. I get out to movies maybe twice a year. MAYBE. If YOU can't manage to sit for 90 mins w/o your technological binkie, stay home.


Either I have a case of the stupids or a case of the Canadians because I can't get these videos to work.