
Yep, Lindy, that is the paragraph I am referring to.

i understand that globally, there is a pervasive, disturbing trend of intolerable violence against women. that is an undisputed, statistical fact.

You did quite literally "make fun" of his death.

Rather than coming off as sincere, your small disclaimers read more like when someone says "No offense", before they insult you, or "I don't mean this to be racist, but..." as they say something quite racist.

Lindy is one of my favourite writers on Jezebel, but what you said is exactly true: this is domestic violence, plain and simple, and needs to be treated with more sensitivity and seriousness.

I'm glad to find a few people talking sense amongst all the ironically awful puns and hilarious gifs. It really irks me when MRA types scream 'what about the men!!!' in the comment section of any article on male-on-female domestic violence, but when you get articles like this, written by women, sniggering at lethal

The fake police interview. The whole article is pretty cold and tasteless. It's a brutal murder and the article is "Hey wouldn't this be a great way to kill somebody!"

Agreed. The tone of this article was a bit tasteless.

granted, you didn't make an outright joke, but the tone of the entire article (especially the mocking police interview at the end) was neither a sensitive nor appropriate way to comment on this case.

this article was a very callous treatment of a murder case. it focuses excessively on the perpetrator and seems to insinuate that the victim was to blame. the fact that jokes about the death of a human being are not only uncensured, but garnering participation makes this article a truly low point for jezebel.

Ugh calling a kind of murder the "easiest perfect crime ever!" (including a scene with cops acting like idiots because the crime is like SO EASY GUYS) and then claiming to not be joking in response to a commenter who feels that the tone of the article is pretty screwed up seems.... really, really, REALLY not self

Probably the part where you meditate on how pushing someone off a cliff is a super! easy crime.

I'm pretty sure it was the entire paragraph following the article from CNN where you made light of someone's death by suggesting how easily the alleged culprit could have gotten away with it.

Thank you. I will upvote this comment infinity times to get it up out of the greys and into the echo chamber of our local internet commentariats. Everyone seems to be too busy vying for Lindy's attention to notice the utter and complete lack of compassion - or at the very least respect - for the gravity of the

Also, the only thing that prevents unintended pregnancies is not having sex.

I'm so sad for conservatives who don't realise that you can have sex with your knees together. Do you guys all only know, like, one sexual position?

Lindy, you're great and I always love your posts, but don't you feel like this article is a little cavalier? Would this article be the same if a man had pushed his newlywed wife off a cliff? It's actually pretty fucked up :/.

I know, right? I feel anyone I was actively fighting with who asked me to sort out our issues on a cliff would be met with a "why don't we do that while I cling to a chair in a crowded Starbucks?"

where I live there are about seventy billion places to get free condoms.

Gosh, I wish I lived in a land where magical sparkly unicorns delivered me calorie-free cupcakes in bed each morning.