
This is what's confusing to me. We didn't care about Rwanda. We don't care that China has horror stories of human rights abuses. We aren't doing anything in any country that is purely out of moral reasons, are we? Maybe I'm over simplifying things, but that's where my confusion in action/inaction lies.

These commenters are sure telling you! When Assad's army kills civilians with chemical weapons, he's an evil murderer, and when Bush's or Obama's army kills civilians with chemical weapons and/or drones, they are just misguided and really the results are just so different:…;

A side point: unlike Hitler and Stalin, Hutu is not a single individual, and I am uncomfortable with the implication that an entire ethnic group is evil/terrible.

"Hitler/Stalin/Hutu type terrible"? One of these things is not like the other. The Hutu are an entire ethnic group, a majority of whom were not involved in the Rwandan atrocities (and many of whome were the victims of atrocities in Burundi). So yeah, kinda racist to equate this whole group of African people with the

"As the wife of a possible international war criminal"... she should ask Laura Bush for advice.

I hope you all did the same for Laura when her husband invaded Iraq. And get Michelle's file ready too since it is obvious her husband is definitely going to bomb Syria.

They're also extremely pretty if you don't look at the shit-encrusted everything. So much colour variation - dusty pink and grey, iridescent blue and green and so on.

Pigeons do not carry a lot of disease.

I agree - is this directed to gardening fraternities? Brotanists?

Culling is a temporary fix. If the food source remains, the numbers will go back up. Part of the clean-up has to be educating people not to re-make the mess. Tourists can be educated too. (I live in Florida, land of the idiot tourist, and we manage to get most of them to refrain from feeding the alligators. They

Ugh, I love piges so much. Their little throaty warblings; their little popcorn feet, the way they'll fly straight at someone's face...

Noooooooooo! I NEVER understood the pigeon hate. I love pigeons. I even named my cat Pigeon! Pigeons are great! They have a silly way of walking and are shaped kind of like footballs, which amuses me; they are completely fearless; and they seem to have a real sense of purpose. Also, Mo Willems Pigeon series is the

This was supposed to be embedded to go along with my comment.

No, that's the ratio of women to rapes which are RECORDED. Sadly, that has very little to do with the number of rapes. (And using a 100 year life expectancy is disingenuous)

Actually, it's a pretty important thing in more closed societies like India, where people don't talk about rape, violence against women, or sex trafficking. Sometimes, I think people forget, here in a place where this sort of thing is more high-profile, that the first step is often simply talking about it,

Okay. If there really are a fuckton and they need to be recycled, they (the gubmint, the author, whatevs) just need to use one of those industrial paper cutters that can go through a kajillion layers to cut off the bound edge. PROBLEM SOLVED.

As someone who grew up Catholic I can only imagine if a campaign was made that put the Virgin Mary in a similar light. It would be devastating, and I think a lot of Catholic men would react pretty strongly.

Now playing

This anti-trafficking campaign in amsterdam's red light district is really amazing (and sad) as well.

Except in the western world Jude-Christian traditions are not commonly referred to as mythological. That term conveys connotations of unreality and superstition, as well as being something people don't believe in anymore. While in the context of a religious studies course it might be acceptable to refer to it all as

If I may suggest, could you please replace "Indian mythology" with "Hindu scriptures". I'm sure this was not intended on your part, but "mythology" seems like an inappropriate word to describe the goddesses of these sacred texts.