
Or an artifact a la Warehouse 13.

Someone should destroy this ring PRONTO because what if it's a Hitler horcrux? YOU NEVER KNOW.

I'd rather some super rich jewish person bought it, melted it down and had it made into a star of david piece of jewelry.

I feel like we need Indiana Jones to break in on the auction, yell "IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM!", then grab it and peace out.

Oh, man, that would be an EPIC wedding prank. "Can I see the ring?"

I mean, history nerd me thinks even evil shit like this can be pretty cool. You can appreciate the history without being a Neo-Nazi and all that. Hitler can be an epic douche canoe and you can appreciate the historical value of said items.

Nope, still don't give a shit about football.

As a Native American who is also a Redskins fan, I feel pretty sick with myself. But my dad LOOKS LIKE THE MASCOT. And he's a huuuuuge fan. Sometimes I feel like the most self-loathing brown person ever.

Alright, this seems like a well-intentioned comment so I'm going to give this a shot. Here's what's problematic here:

I'm sorry, but are you fucking kidding me with this post? You don't know what you're talking about; do some fucking research.

You know it's not needed and hasn't been requested, and yet you said it anyway. Good for you.

You seem to mean well here, and kudos to you (genuinely) for being honest about what you find attractive. Some other commenters here have done a good job of pointing out what's wrong with your initial comment, and here's my take: the issue at hand is not just that women who don't fit our culture's (restrictive,

It's tricky. One major guideline when a group you don't belong to is complaining about a problem you don't have to suffer from: don't tell them to just stop worrying about it, even if you mean well and are just trying to show support.

It pisses me off when guys try to explain away insecurities with "Well I find it attractive," ignoring the thousands, millions, of other cultural messages and pressures just because it gets their particular boner going. It also underlines the idea that your feelings are not valid if a man disagrees ("I find your

You mean that she was so beautiful and sexy, he just couldn't help himself?

I agree. I always find the eagerness to call them monsters as a means of explaining their actions to be in effect a refusal to think about it. The actions are monstrous but the person who did them was a human being. It's not like he couldn't help it because of some imperative evil force within him.

There's a difference between celebrating someone's death (and taking delight in the idea of someone suffering), and not being sad or caring about it. I'm sure as shit not sorry he's dead, but I'm not happy about it.

I am judging his actions though. It was terrible to say that least. Why are you saying I refuse to judge him but am ok with judging those reacting to his death? I'm not even saying don't hate him, just maybe people shouldn't be happy he is dead or want him to suffer.