
I owe Comcast a thank you for raising my cable rate so high I finally cut the cord. Found so much other good stuff out there {Star Trek Continues, WIGS just to name 2} there’s no reason for me to ever go back to cable.

I’m glad I live in Canada and don’t have to deal with this shit. The CRTC forbids any municipality above a certain size (not sure what that threshold is but it’s really low) to have only one internet/TV provider. For example, I live in Calgary, Alberta. The two major options are Shaw and Telus. There’s also a handful

Your OCD makes made OCD post this.

Here you go

I gave it 5 stars but those stars imploded and turned into a blackhole that then sucked everything good into it.

he's not a troll, it's called sarcasm

I will laugh at the name "Asshole Brown" every single time I see it. Without fail.

I see your snarky comment went over a lot of people's heads

They changed my name to Alone Forever. Damn you know me so well!

No word yet on whether Comcast realizes someone changed their name to Xfinity. That'll be a fun day.

how is comcast still a company?! this is serious. something like these name changes cause such severe trauma and anguish. everyone knows that being called a mean name is quite possibly the worst thing that can happen to anyone. i wouldn't wish such pain on even my enemies. i can't believe they would implement

Good to see he's looking out for the little guy.