Ya, fuck that whole innocent until proven guilty thing, ammirite?
Ya, fuck that whole innocent until proven guilty thing, ammirite?
Subjecting people to ideological purity tests (like this article does) is what’s suspect. You act as if the only possible way someone could not agree with Kaepernick’s protest is if they are a full-fledged bigot.
Her friendship with Scalia reflects a trait that’s now viewed as a weakness, but is actually more or less…
I like a lot of what you write. This - the idea that everyone who holds differing political views than your own should be shunned/punished, coupled with the assertion that one of the nation’s most accomplished, and beloved, jurists is “dumb” for not agreeing with you - this is not your finest hour.
Why? Or are you one of these people who can only be friends with people who hold the same political beliefs? How boring. And how insecure you must be in your beliefs that you can only tolerate the company of the like-minded.
That, or some people can put aside political beliefs when establishing friendships, either staying away from that boundary or knowing what buttons not to push. Obama and Tom Coburn, for example.
What vintage are your farts?