I’d love that for City Skylines.
SoSS was my favourite pc game back then, the nostalgia always hits hard with that one
“What’s that sir? Your car stopped on a train track? Well, you can pay the expedited delivery fee and we’ll have you rolling again in no time at all!”
Hi there bootlicker.
But remember, Tesla sold the car on 11/15. When they did the audit, they were no longer the owners of the car.
I see Tesla is now doing with their cars what I used to do with my Bumble profiles. See, I’m not technically lying — you see, I used to be a chiseled, rippling mass of 6'4" muscle.
Here come the desperate Musk fanboys trying to make any excuse to explain this batshit mess. Your hero is a moron, just accept it.
This truck is like something out of a movie...a low budget 80s movie taking a half ass guess as to what cars in 2020 will look like.
Cool, I was wondering where those new articles on Deadspin were coming from.
Looks like Torch is getting dangerously close to discovering he’s actually an AI experiment jointly funded by DARPA and G/O Media.
It was no more intelligible than any of your other articles...
Going from V12 to 12V? Now that’s a switcheroo.
Compared to what? Most minivans these days handle better, have better suspension and excellent mpg compared to anything that can do a comparable job for the price. You clearly haven’t driven one in the last 15 years.
See, this is fine.
I’m also childless for now, but if there end up being more than one or two children in my future, they and their associated accessories will most likely ride in a minivan. Minivans are very good at what they are designed to do, and there is absolutely nothing uncool about that. Even with zero kids, I can think of…
I’d imagine there is an underlying reason though... “Just doesn’t want one” is usually followed up with a “because.”