Yes and no. Yes, because much less fucks are given, you don’t mind staying out late, inconveniences are fine, and you can work out how to do things cheap.
Yes and no. Yes, because much less fucks are given, you don’t mind staying out late, inconveniences are fine, and you can work out how to do things cheap.
Fun fact, I bought domain :)
Also, $60,000,000 plane, $10 deicing budget.
- This three bedroom, three bathroom custom house in Montana
Ahh, that explains things then. I thought (maybe forgot) there has always been a manual option on the six. So maybe in 2yrs there will be some for $40k :D
YES! Also NO!!!!!!! This prompted me to check Autotrader to see how the pricing is looking. I am floored that manuals are very hard to find and command about a $10k - $20k premium! This is why NOOOO!!!!
PA! I want to come over and drool :)
OHH, nice cars! 997.2 Carrera S is the Porsche I would buy today if I made a decision to more forward! Though I wouldn’t kick the F-Type out of bed! Enjoy!
Is there a limitation on how many replacement tires one can get for say a summer of V driving?
Very true. Nearly doubles the cost for a track day, and there is a deductible... but still, it is a good solution!
Cool. You like the FR500 (or maybe SVE repro) wheel? I have been monitoring for one on eBay for a couple years now, but the price has skyrocketed. Seems only the SVE or overpriced used ones come up for sale now.
Agreed. I it’s not the maintenance costs that greatly concern me, it’s the damage. If I put my 01 Mustang into the wall, I will be sad, but I am only out $3k - $10k for a replacement. Putting a car, which I would most likely take a loan out on, worth $45k does scare me. That is money I just couldn’t walk away from.
Nicely said. This applies to me, as well, just much less $. I have a 01 Mustang, and what stops me from getting something much more $ (say used 911 or Vette) is the point you make about “don’t care”. I take the Mustang to the track, I drive hard on the street, and it’s cheap as heck to maintain. I can drive at…
So, related to the Yugo, I just watched “Houston, we have a problem” which is supposed to explain the link between the Yugoslavia space program and the US’s program. Instead you get a nice history about about Yugoslavia and how we it came to be get the Yugo. A MUST watch! :)
AND less than 10 minutes later, ad has been pulled from Craigslist
Oklahoma. I now live in PA, another state where this law is impacting :)
Even worse than that, I have had this happen IN THE SAME STATE. Made it through university no problem, a year later come back for dinner with friends, get carded. Proceed to get railed with questions, me going WTF? Seriously? Evidently the background color was “fake” for that area, but then I told him the town I…
Came here for this. The XC90/S90 to me is the most beautiful interior on the market today, save for maybe a few exotics I am not super familiar with.
Ok dad