
There is no such thing as too much power. :)

Similar. I’d kill to have video of my 2wd 88 F150. When I was 16 we used to go ramp all the time over railroad tracks. We used to do it regularly on this particular track, but normally just in the direction toward the dirt. This time I turned around and took it 5mph faster the opposite way. I launched and

Two from cars I have owned.

At this point, my opinion is that a luxury truck buyer typically does not want the truck to appear all that different from a standard truck. Exceptions would include better trim (solid aluminum, etc), better wheels, lights, etc. The luxury though is hidden away inside the interior and suspension (ride quality).

I am glad they used a sleeper cab truck for this so the computer can take a break every 16hrs.

6. Gotta poop, bad

That’s a great question. I haven’t dug much farther into it myself since I am not in the market to purchase. I would say that if you are interested in one of these, to have someone else drive at highway speed on a road with some bumps and dips. You sit in the back and feel the suspension as it goes up and down.

There was a small discussion about this car a few months back. I weighed in that I had this issue with one I rode in, where the car bounced around on the highway. Not dangerously, but the suspension was allow the car to move around over bumps. I do not get car sick ever, but in this case I was. As the suspension

Strange way to interpret his articles. To me his is just being honest and typically quite humble. He isn’t trying to brag, he is just giving it a fair comparison that is his opinion. NO matter how good a project car is planned, it is still a project car and will have issues (be it small or large). He’s just showing

Doug, I’ll give you $38k right now.

All, so many stories. Typical stuff, nothing super special though.


It’s only been 1 hour since this post and already removed from CL. UGH!

It should be a solid 100 or better.

Now to find it for online streaming. I will be happy to pay for a season pass or whatever.

Wasn’t so much the car, but that I think it put the nail in the cofin.

So I am going with, Ken needs a way to release frustrations and found the Taurus SHO does so perfectly. He purchased this Taurus SHO just two years old to save on new car depreciation and maintained it for ~15 years.