
And arguably if you didn’t walk the 20min 2x a day, you may do it for relaxation or workout after work anyways. In effect, you have gamed the system and saving time in the end.

Thanks. The more I look you are correct. I had focused on the body kit put on the 458 and it looks strikingly identical. Same/similar wide body, the vent in the upper right of the front fender, etc. I assumed the rear was all new as part of the body kit.

I am pretty sure he started with a 458 according to this photo.

This is kind of how I feel. You buy this car for the drivetrain & experience, not the interior and fit/finish. Sort of like a C3-C6 Vette.

I love it!! But first, let’s play a game.

Up til the only decent video review has suggested the same thing as David. Gear changes are equivalent to calling up Ford and asking for a gear change and the paddles are basically useless in general.

First thought

If the buyback wasn’t as good as it is, I could see a good percentage of people holding on to them. Also now that the word is out, it is likely very few people would be interested in them in the used market. So best to take advantage of the situation now.

What do you expect from someone that puts a spoiler on a Vette?

I came here to post this.... except...

I think this idea is no better than picking a random parking spot. People are careless/clueless regardless of the car. The smarter idea is to. A. Park next to a car that clearly knows the lines and is centered in the middle of the spot. B. Has a clean car with no dents/scratches/etc. C. Car type appears to have the

All this good info / discussion and not a single thing about RWD vs. FWD. FWD is a HUGE turnoff for me for a truck, especially when towing. I believe there is an AWD variant here but it surely won’t be rear primary/biased.


We did this EXACT THING! We looked at 3 Series (briefly) and C class. I still have a thing for the ~2010 C class design. In the end we just had to much concern over the price tag with the options we wanted and maintenance costs. Went over to Ford and got a fully loaded Fusion (minus AWD, lighted doorsills, and

Now playing

Just randomly looking at some Ring videos and ran across the wagon :)


Holy shit dude. That’s nuts. Definitely a Monday (or I suppose Friday) car right there. This is one of things that scares me about buying a new car especially, as even if there is a warranty to take care of many/all of the issues, the reason I bought new is to avoid this drama. Used is another story such as no knowing

Info on this power bump not working with the diff?
First I have hard of this and two leading tuners just recently announced tunes with one of the two being able to retain warranty.

I have an 01, and thought the same :)

It would be fun to play around with the 4 banger some.... and a tune.