I am surprised that assembling a Model T in 3 minutes didn’t make the cut
Agreed. Overall the trucks did much better, from a reliability perspective this year for sure. It’s pretty awesome to see how power and torque numbers aren’t everything. Truck size and weight play a role in each competition. Lavon’s truck was my favorite this year followed by the Ford with the dual wheels and built…
I look forward to this every season. I guess it’s the 3rd time I have watched it now. Lavon Miller really has a truck that is in another class compared to nearly everyone else. That thing is a freaking beast, and reliable this year.
Of the top 10 lists, I feel this one of the best. Really good list here.
What they should do is ship it with an airbag and associated parts to make it road legal. Then sell optional accessories, such as a custom steering wheel :)
Thankfully it’s not our car :D It’s the local limo company’s. We use them regularly as it’s about the same cost as parking for a week at the airport (at least in the garage) so might as well get dropped off and picked up :)
Wow. That is nuts.
This sounds like a good Irish dare. I bet you can’t park that helicopter at the pub for a pint of Guinness.
Damn!!!!! That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! So beautiful.
This may be very un-Jalopnik of me to say, but MOST cars suck balls with no options. Depending on the options avail, you get the underpowered motor, shitty suspension, crappy wheels/tires, crap stereo, and other junk features.
Good read!
In Michigan earlier this year. 193 vehicles, 76 being semis, firework explosions, and more.
I think we need a discussion on the craziest 747s that have been created or even the craziest 747s in use by just NASA alone :)
This is the only acceptable answer, like Miata.