
I wasn’t thinking about race for that story, I was more wondering if they were from Florida.

Actually, make that two someones—GizHipocrisy and EvanRudeJohnson— and in my humble opinion, they’re both absolutely correct. You can always find someone making meathead comments on Twitter or wherever. It’s not interesting or newsworthy enough to merit an article. It’s clickbait, and it’s lazy. 

The article also

The AV Club posting these kind of stories is the leading cause of smug.  It is easy to find anything you want on twitter or in you tube comments, so when they need a story, it is always there to write.  I think they are hungover from the long weekend so we get this. 

Why does the AV Club always insist on picking the lowest hanging fruit possible? “Here’s red meat for our progressive readers, chomp chomp.” Who is learning, here, and what?

I got a lot of flack for shitting all over Nissan unprompted earlier this year (I think the exact phrase I used was “Nissan can eat a dick”).