He was an Amazing cartoonist and his world view was pure Fantasy.
He was an Amazing cartoonist and his world view was pure Fantasy.
I think that Dr Strange panel may be Marie Severin not Ditko.
That movie is so beautiful even Depp couldn’t screw it up.
This will likely get cancelled after Venom flops.
I thought the Swordsman was a french dude named Jacques Duquesne and he trained Clint AND Barney. Did Barney take over the role later?
Marvel does have a problem with the women characters being moms & scolds. Janet would have helped in this regard a lot. She Hulk can’t get here fast enough.
Wasn’t SwordMan more his surrogate father and mentor; not his brother?
I sorta like Silk as a character but that is one of the dumbest origin stories ever.
Zappa fans are insufferable.
San Antonio Spurs fans may be worse than both.
In all of Star Wars’ 10 movies only 1 joke has ever been legitimately good. The famous “I love you ... I know” joke. Can’t think of another SW joke that is legitimately funny.
Edit: (SPOILER) some of Lando cape jokes are kinda funny in the new one.
Sounds like a good back alley way to fund that White Rights march on DC
Isn’t Snyder busy looking for an even dumber audience with the Fountainhead?
Because the idea of it is just preposterous.
Very insightful ... “Make a good movie”
1930s Germany had the vast majority of human history as an example of bad things that happen when you give a leader too much political power.
I listened to one Nerdist interview b/c I was interested in the person being inteviewed. It was pretty rough going. I tried to watch that stupid Points show when good comedians were on. Generally couldn’t make it to the 1st commercial break.
He is seriously great.
This is his way of saying he believes in David Icke’s reptile nonsense.
Except clearly you haven’t ridden away and still are tending someone else’s garden.