
I will let the retired Marine Vet who is our HOA president know he is a uptight housewife. I see you like to prove your point by berating and insulting the other person. You should be really proud of yourself, internet tough guy.

I am both the most loved and hated person when it comes to Hellcats. Everyone wants them but not everyone can have them.

Now this makes the headache that is my job (responsible for Hellcats being scheduled to build) a little easier.

Awesome stuff for a Veteran! He got one of the earliest ones! Now this makes the headache that is my job (responsible for Hellcats being scheduled to build) a little easier.

You should get a year for your stupidity. STFU!

The passengers in the Polo with no safety gear wouldn't fare well in a collision with a caged race car. It was very dangerous.

A lot of people who are dismissing this as a "little prank," and the punishment was too severe need to at least think about the girlfriend in this situation. She was obviously scared out of her mind. I'm thinking a lot of people haven't had any seriously traumatizing events take place in their life. I have and it's

Oh man. Prison is gonna be fun for that douche nozzle.

Eight months for vertical video sounds about right to me.

Because suddenly you're an expert?

The fact that there was a risk of even minor injury to his passengers or the racers on the track validates the endangerment charge.

He really did endanger people. Just because no one was hurt doesn't mean it wasn't dangerous.

If it had been only him in the car he might have had a light sentence but he did it against the will of his passenger who was also the cars owner. In that perspective 8 months in jail is a light sentence for kidnapping and auto theft.

Maybe I'm a bit cynical, but I'm wary of any estimate of NK's military. I'm pretty sure 7 million of those 8 million haven't had a meal in a week, don't have equipment that works, and, to borrow a phrase, couldn't find reverse on their soviet era tanks.

The MkIV R32 was a naturally aspirated VR6, dude. Blow off your own valve.

But if you allow them to be happy, they'll never feel the need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. The Poors must be kept in their place, silly!

I don't think this is going to do well. The problem with the Maybach is was too much of an S-Class. Super Rich people don't want to look like Rich Peasants with an S-class, they want the full Rolls Royce/Bentley thing.

Wrong, everyone knows it was controlling the CHEMTRAIL distribution network! Wake up, sheeple!

At that moment, and at no other moment, it was acting like a real AMG.

Go big or go home

I generally like your pieces, but I'm afraid you've fallen into the same pitfall many other journalists suffer when writing about the LCS. They try and equate it to an existing Class of ship. Additionally, you've failed to understand what the LCS's priorities benefits are.

1. It's most urgently a reconfigurable MCM