The pilot seemed kinda neat in a certain way, but everything about the show is extremely generic and doesn’t separate itself from any other mindless new shows that’s out.
The pilot seemed kinda neat in a certain way, but everything about the show is extremely generic and doesn’t separate itself from any other mindless new shows that’s out.
I haven’t heard the word verb used this much since middle school.
I would’ve liked to see more story like S3 had. This felt like they tried to shoehorn in many different things, like Sonic Forces is doing with the enemies.
Someone told me that wireless subwoofers are crap.
Someone told me that wireless subwoofers are crap.
What about suffering through the new episodes in general? The show already feels dead.
This property was ruined for me when a small group of people in a forum I was active in for so long was being trolled to the point it kind of collapsed. They used the avatars of these characters, bullied people outside and inside the forum, and tried to harass the mods, and no one would do anything about them. So…
I like to play matches where you feel like the character would in real life be pulling off these moves in this order and not be overusing this or that move. It’s always no fun when I face people who are only concerned with winning “by any means necessary“, because they take the fun right out of it. And the whole…
I always laugh when I see it, it looks so stupid.
Looks tacky to me.
Even the local animals have anime hair...
I don’t mind furry art, in fact I like it. It’s people who start identifying themselves as animals that creep me out.
No, I think homestuck has the worst.
I think he means the 2d design of it. The 3d classic doesn’t really capture the spirit that 2d does.
Yeeeaaahh.... rather go on craigslist or LetGo... fuck those prices, lol.
Yeeeaaahh.... rather go on craigslist or LetGo... fuck those prices, lol.
Users of this product also bought a Blood Pressure Monitor.... lol.
Users of this product also bought a Blood Pressure Monitor.... lol.
Such as?
Why are combos that long even put into games? Fighting games should really try to find a way to break away from relying on doing the same combos or spamming a move. Maybe if a player does a move 5 times in a row, part of their health could go down.
I don’t get it, do they think these will catch on?
Who the hell watches other people play minecraft videos? What of society?
....Why are 90% of them about young girls?