“She says Trump’s kids arent taking out loans — it’s a crisis facing middle, lower class graduates whose parents couldn’t pay full freight”
“She says Trump’s kids arent taking out loans — it’s a crisis facing middle, lower class graduates whose parents couldn’t pay full freight”
If people vote for Joe Biden, they are complicit in the deaths of actual marginalized people rather than just dumb abstract concepts. Besides, voting for someone you don’t want to vote for just because of their party affiliation sounds extremely undemocratic to me.
“Something shitty” “some shitty stuff”. You’re really going out of your way to ignore just what it is that Biden did or how it helped create the conditions that bred Trump.
I think we can all safely assume that he actually crashed into a painting of a tunnel on the side of a cliff.
It’s not a dumb or meaningless plan, you utter moron.
Me: *tries to think like a guard*
That’s a big issue! It’s not a political moment to be hyper-vigilant about alienating no one on the trail.
With Green explicitly acknowledging him as a Guy, Siakam may want to take steps to protecting that Guyhood in Game 2...
4 positive Raps articles in a row? Just fucking hook it up to my veins already, Deadspin! If you guys change your colour scheme to OVO black and gold, my head’s gonna explode.
If he does get impeached, he’s going to get called to testify (unless McConnell just refuses to hold a trial, which is a definite possibility). He could either plead the fifth and get called a coward, or actually answer questions under oath and fuck that up spectacularly.
They don’t have anything on Pelosi. She, and most of her fellow democrats, simply lack the courage to act. They’re spineless. They’ve been spineless for decades. This is acting according to type...it’s not remotely new.
This is the first time a 26-year-old guy named Bryce didn’t feel right at home in the Wrigley bleachers.
Meanwhile Joe Biden works with a union busting lawyer to raise money.
The Senator takes his campaign’s motto seriously “Not me, Us.”
Representative Ocasio-Cortez is right on the money in both message and tone. We’ve been in a “pay me now, or pay me later” situation for decades, and the butcher’s bill is only going to get higher the longer we put off confronting it.
I’ve definitely been guilty of being one of those, “Alright, where are we getting the…
The ball going into the basket was quite a process.
Calls for genocide used to be met with the basic end of a person’s career in any sort of public facing field.
As a horticulturist.. if I had a tree that KEEPS producing “bad apples” (even if 1 or two are good).. I would simply remove the tree/turning it into mulch for other purposes and plant a different tree.. the time/energy it takes to correct what is clearly a poor quality isn’t worth the time/energy/cost to do do.
most folks over there
“It would be too hard to abolish the Atlantic Slave Trade because it exists in too many countries, better not do it.”