
I’m going with Chris Hayes on this: To win decisively in 2020 and wipe out the Trumpsters, we need somebody upright, mediapathic, and adorable, who can grab attention and encourage non-voters to sign up and vote for them.

MSNBC is not unabashedly left wing. They are boring, corporate, neoliberal shills who don’t cover news but waste everyone’s time with conspiracy theories, warmongering, and stupidity.

One night, this exchange happened and I laughed out loud at 1am:

The IFO study, bizarrely, seems to advocate for natural gas-powered vehicles as a “transitioning” technology on the way to cars powered by hydrogen, which, sure, I guess, and “‘green’ methane,” a product which does not exist.

Well, he refuses to change his game in the playoffs until his team is facing elimination. Then he changes to ‘Off.

Wall Street is bad for the Average American. They want workers impoverished, in debt and in constant fear of unemployment. The short-term casino like extraction scam that they lie and call investing is all of the proof you need.

For the love of god, someone who supports Biden TELL ME what he is offering that you like (and no, “can beat Trump” is not a valid answer because you don’t actually know that). You want moderateness? Beto or Klobuchar got you! You want white men? You’ve got TONS to choose from? WHAT IS IT ABOUT BIDEN? 

what the fuck does “we have to restore dignity to work” even mean?

When Pop finally retires from coaching, he can probably get steady work in sci-fi movies as the crazy town elder who yells things like “I’VE BEEN SAYING IT FOR YEARS” and “I TOLD YOU THEY WERE COMING.”

The guy sitting next to the Human Brick can say, with a straight face, *that was a bad shot*

“What our constitution says is that everybody can vote.

“CAP took $2.5 million from the United Arab Emirates between 2016 and 2018"

They’d rather lose to Trump than have Bernie win. These people are fucking ghouls, who care more about their money than the welfare of their country.

Bernie knew this. Everyone knows this.

Counter point, perhaps the people that have been there for years should have been doing a better job off addressing the needs of their constituents and not just solidifying their power by trying to triangulate the american people into supporting them.

You have to understand that these people have been winning their seats by decree, inheritance and nepotism for centuries. They are practically anointed into their positions and spend decades there at a time.  They’re probably more “noble-like” than the Senate in the long run.  That’s why I practically screamed and

How can anyone look at the state of the country today and say “we have to hold the center” with a straight face?  Jesus Christ. . .

As a Pistons fan, I was hoping you’d say something about their players, as I have no idea who they are. 

What rhetoric? Are you fucking kidding? She’s pointing out basic objective facts and people are threatening to kill her. Who the fuck ungreyed you?

I can't decide if that beats my own situation: not communicating with my family at all.