George P Burdell

Probably because they’re hemorraghing subscribers and revenue every month due to cord-cutters. Multi-million dollar salaries for pundits and massive ad expenses gotta go. I love those commercials too, but I honestly can’t remember the last time I watched Sportscenter.

Devil’s advocate: But that’s precisely why Fox Sports would want a big ad agency, because they need to maximize revenue on an event with less ad inventory than most other major sporting events.

Yeah, but as great as they are as absurdist short films, they’re probably not great at increasing (or maintaining) viewership any more. I’d even go so far as to say that people who like the “This is SportsCenter” campaign aren’t fans of SportsCenter.

This kind of thing happens all the time in the ad industry. Over a long period of time (25 years in this case), the marketing team and agency team lose the chemistry and *magic* they once had, and they go their separate ways.

And when they do, that agency becomes the perfect candidate for picking up a competitor due

Mr. Gottlieb said Fox Sports doesn’t “really look at it as a competition” with other networks, but focuses more on “executing a vision.”

pretty obvious that Tillerson and Puzder (& others) aren’t giving up their high-paying private gigs for gov’t dirt pay and much more public scorn unless they’ve made the calculation that it’ll be worth it to them or their businesses in the long run. I know, obvious, but worth stating again.

who would want a secretary of labor who has worked with the business issues around minimum wage and how it impacts the businesses and workers involved?

They will just take this as a reason he needs to be confirmed. This is exactly what Trump’s people want. They would be perfectly happy if the entire federal workforce up and resigned.

If you mean “zero impact” on the administration’s policies, sure. If you mean zero impact for American voters, not so much; women of color represent the largest block of fast-food workers, and as much as they’re taken for granted by democrats, they are starving for actual representation- hell yes, this counts.

As far as the Republicans are concerned, everything in that letter spells out exactly why he IS qualified to be the Secretary of Labor.

Makes sense. He’s appointing people who wanna fuck us, he’s issuing executive orders to expand the pool of people to be fucked, he’s pulling the regulations so that we can’t do anything about being fucked, and soon he’s gonna (Eddie Murphy Ralph Kramden voice) staaaaat fuckin...

Way more thought and analysis was put into this letter than was used by the transition team in vetting any of the appointments. It will have zero impact. Sigh. Vomit.

That’s code for; “I might not completely agree with him, but thank God he’s doing something about all these brown people.”

I continue to hear union doofs - rank and file say - “hey man, I didn’t vote for Trump (yeah, right) but c’mon man give the man a chance”. TL;DR America is fucked.

Paperwork doesn’t matter in this administration. We still haven’t seen anything on Devos and her paper trail or even the Cheeto-In-Chief’s taxes or business relationships.

As a student of history, I always wondering how the American Empire would end in terms of power and prestige.

Rachel Maddow pointed out last night that none of his paperwork has been submitted yet. I don’t know if that’s a sign that he might get replaced or just the usual incompetence (my money is on the latter).

No mention of the yankees - KC Athletics “special relationship”?

Wouldn’t a decent parallel be Jason Grimsley breaking into the umpires’ dressing room via the drop ceiling in order to switch out one of Albert Belle’s corked bats?

Don’t be silly, he’s not that dumb. He knows that Frederick Douglass is the name of that street in Harlem. It’s been getting a lot more attention now that those uptown real estate prices are soaring!