
Corollary: Less than a sell out crowd would have exited the stadium after the game*

If the Raiders had returned to LA they would have sold out in five minutes.

What the fuck is going on

What the fuck are they doing?

This was a great read. Thank you.

Try being a dodger fan, still angry thirteen years later that he was summarily dismissed. Adrian...

102-2? I want to get angry about typos but I’m too afraid to verify if it’s true. Scary.


U wrong.

I’m going to the game this afternoon...expecting them to get hangover-induced no hit.

Really unfortunate. I hate watching pitchers decline.

Something something regular season playoffs.

Lol @ farmhand. You guys are funny.

Post the newest one where he questions Trump’s legitimacy!


If all professional baseball pitchers got elbow MRs, yes, I agree it would be helpful for research (both for science and for the player in the future). But I can guarantee the number of guys walking around with “partially torn” UCLs or whatever would skyrocket, a lot of them who would never have presented otherwise.

When an athlete suffers an injury they are screened and evaluated by world class orthopedists (unless they play for the Mets). MRI is extremely sensitive for bone and soft tissue pathology and has a high likelihood of finding something wrong. The scan is even tailored and interpreted in that context.

Well, yeah.

As a radiologist let me just say that this is a terrible idea. There will be abnormalities in most of the scans, as previous studies have shown MSK MRI to have a high prevalence of false positives. Whether or not they correspond to any actual clinical problem is the main thing. This is, as you say, a negotiating