
Breast ultrasound should be thought of as a supplement, not a replacement, to screening mammography. Ultrasound is great in young patients with palpable masses or other diagnostic dilemmas, but the evidence for it to be a solo screening tool is not really there yet. For women with dense breasts, however, there is

I remember that scene because of how it made me physically recoil.

Why do the Dodgers always suck?

You should mention that Tsao has a history of gambling and probably made a sizable amount purposefully throwing that game. That's the only explanation for just how badly he lost the strike zone last night.

Fleshpile made me a bit queasy tbqh.

I really fucking love bad baseball.

Why shouldn’t we let all professional athletes use PEDs?

This is actually really surprising.


Brady’s attorneys can ask for the full appeals court to review the case.

I always knew he was a piece of shit, I just never thought he was this *much* of a piece of shit.

Mfuckin’ agreed, Barry.

Angel Hernandez was behind the plate, be thankful Kershaw wasn't tossed.

He's having a competition with Greinke from afar for slowest pitch speed, perhaps.

30 isn't old, asshole. *pouts*

I’m still pissed off the Dodgers let him go. Goddammit.

The MLB season is from April to September (for the Padres hah). Do these “winter” postponements really happen that often?

What's wrong with a team from San Diego playing in Denver and Philadelphia in April? Idgi.

Modern announcers just talk about bullshit the whole game, it’s so fucking annoying. No one gives a fuck how you used to play AA ball or whatever, asshole. Vin tells stories and actually enhances the broadcast. A dying art.

She'll always be Elaine.