
Or maybe she really believes the right-wing crazy talk (she’s from Slovenia and most of what she knows of US politics is filtered through her husband!), and she’s ALSO being treated badly. He doesn’t have to literally be holding her prisoner in order for her to do the talk show circuits and spout conspiracy theory.

It’s as if Trump and his transition team were like “let’s pick the worst possible candidates for all of our cabinet positions!” Between Price, DeVoss, Tillerson, Pruitt, and Sessions, this cabinet is a fucking joke.

I definitely don’t think they’re wasting their breath. It needs to be said, and better it be said here than not at all.

The tiny sliver of idealism that still remains unstomped says “sure, someone will see the light and do the right thing” but the cynic in me agrees with you.

I see what you did there, but not sure if intentional. It’s golden though.

of course not. the GOP has the votes. I imagine this is all 2018/2020 prep work. Get the receipts on tape for the attack ads.

it’d be nice if anyone actually gave a shit though.

The phrase that comes to mind is “shaken, not stirred.”

Or they are doing their jobs speaking for their constituents? 

tim kaine, al franken, murphy, bernie, bennet, elizabeth warren...

I know, right? He’s been doing Jon Stewart level work in dissecting Trump.

He’s become one of my favorite late night people over the past year.

Yess. Any time a woman enjoys sex now it’s logged in the Republican Book of Women Actually Like Pussy Grabbing So There.

Fuck these guys. Seriously.

Asshole’s gonna asshole. Of course people doubt you, you asshole. 1, you’re a Youtube star. 2, you play lame pranks’re an asshole Youtube star. And when you’re an asshole, you fuck it up for people who actually get harrassed. Get fucking bent.

So what if they’re shouting? It’s a public conveyance - and sometimes the public is annoying. You don’t kick a baby off a flight just because its bawling is annoying. So long as they weren’t actually endangering anyone, the best way to deal with annoying people is simply to ignore them.

Them: low

Totally. Like, that’s your big beef you need everyone to hear you express?