
It's cool. He'll swallow 4 packs of gum to get rid of the smell.

45 year old Mel Gibson? Sure - that would have been awesome. 60 year old Mel Gibson? That would be as lame as The Expendables. Geriatric Max would have been as painful to watch as Harrison Ford in Crystal Skull.

Michael Jackson wanted to play Jar Jar wearing prosthetics. He even demanded that Lucas let him audition. Sounds mental, but it couldn't possibly have been any worse.

Bad writing, lazy direction, shockingly bad editing, CG overkill, and actors who were phoning it in even worse than in Return of the Jedi.
We should have been bawling our eyes out by the end of Revenge of the Sith, but the audience I saw it with LAUGHED at the finale. Why? Because it was trash filmmaking - a sick joke.

Obi-Wan's investigation was totally unnecessary. The Phantom Edit of Clones cut this subplot completely out, and it was a MUCH better movie for it.

Agreed. The first 5 seasons are solidly consistent IMO, but it began to suffer a bit around the time that Kaitlyn Olson first got pregnant. Season 6 is the weakest in my opinion until season 10. I think they came back pretty strong in season 7 (the one Mac was fat in), but as a general rule the last 5 seasons have

It's 100% an ensemble. Charlie isn't even my favorite character, but he's the closest to likeable due to his semi-retardation, thus his popularity.

He really shined in season 7, when he was fat. I thought he was the weakest character until that season, when they really developed Mac SO much more with the weight issues as well as the repressed homosexuality.

Some of the best Sunny episodes remind me of the old, brilliant, 20-minute-long 1930s Laurel & Hardy shorts. They take a VERY simple idea and just run with it. For instance, "The Gang Buys a Boat" is just that - the title is the ENTIRE plot - they buy a boat and we see 20 minutes of how they can screw THAT up, which

I really like this cut, BUT I don't understand why shots of HAL's eye are inserted into scenes like the moon landing. HAL is not part of that vessel. He is exclusive to the Jupiter craft. WTF?
This edit makes it clear to me that the movie COULD be completely dialogue free until we are introduced to Bowman and the