
@Niall Morgan: It's called Xbox because it was a DirectX-box.

The ps3 is built with ophan hearts.

@miquonranger03: Except in the present when some one says they will feed my fish they fucking do it.

@SurfingKoala35: It must be a euphenism because she said she would feed my fish and they all died :(

@Lambs09: If he is reptilian then he is cold blooded... He could also be a cricket sooooo

@yantelope: If you had scars and terminator eyes, you'd be swimming in pools of women too... or their dead bodies... I guess it really depends on how you earned those terminator eyes.

@Elly: That bitch Kelly. She said she would feed my fish! She didnt and they all died, so you know what? No escort back to the ship for her. Shoulda fed my fish bitch.

Legion died. He went through the vents and couldnt close that door. IN THE FACE!

@angry_gamer: maybe on your slow ass connection it takes 2 days (sorry that sounded mean).

Bullshit. I want to download crap. I have a 250gig HD cocked lock and ready to rock. I'm friggin lazy and dont want to give my money to some bullshit store with some bullshit clerk behind his bullshit counter trying to sell me a bullshit magazine subscription whose soul purpose is to get me to pre-order stupid

Oh god, it's like Act2 all over again. Please god dont tell me I have to find that stupid staff again.

@Sl0th: I believe a .45 will knock you back a step and onto the ground, because you would be dead.

@FokisMoney: It's like scribblenaughts all over again!

@Aldashin: Wrex was a bad ass (with a pistol)