
@arionfrost: I wish! but pokemon doesnt come out until march! ME2 will tide me over until then.

@Vecha: 2 Years till the end: I thought Komodo Dragons have the nastiest mouth on the planet. They are essentially poisonous from al lthe bacteria in their mouth. If they bite their prey and it escapes, it usually friggin dies from infection.

@Knoxximus ver. 5.66: no it doesnt. stop making excuses while I cry in the corner. It's been so long that I dont even think I like racing games anymore. and I'm pretty sure those fond memories of high school/college playing GT3 are long gone.

@Tiller: So I just went and googled "War for Cybertron". Holy crap. I dont even want to go to work now. I just want to loop this trailer all day on my big screen and eat popcorn while watching Omega Supreme laser beam the fuck out of some decepticreeps.

@GE128: I was being humorous

@nick111: My friends and I all bought ps3's after our xbox's systematically failed one after each other. Now my PSN friends list is much larger than my Live list.

Oh Kevin Butler, just kidnap him and murder that kid in his sleep. Like you did that one guy's family and puppy.

@GE128: You totally just outed yourself as a moronic tool.

Closest thing to no hidden costs is going to be a ps3 duder. I mean a 2nd controller and a 9 dollar hdmi cable off mono price.

I read Crysis 2 and I think: Mech Warrior Living Legends 2.

@hurricanedj: Or here in Houston where we have oil.

@rebelphoenix1983: Respect me by giving me free stuff for a new copy and not for ludicrous in game advertising! Holy crap I just kinda implied something nice about EA... shit. "They" are going to kill me now. They as in, everyone else.

@NightshadeTB01: Sver is awesome because it reminds me of this picture

@Firelance: lol musta been a gamestop.

@nerve11: I think his point was that if seeing "sniping" and "teabagging" disturbs the poster, then how do they feel when watching Anime. Cause you know to us white barbarians anime has some fucked up shit in it.

@Bubbleman!: yea, except for the excellent story in Dragon Age... or Baldur's Gate... Setting/music on the other hand is meh. But then again, name a setting that isnt "lame", cliche, and done to death?