@cabjf: The witch doctor can sit and spin. They should just rip off final fantasy tactics jobs.
@cabjf: The witch doctor can sit and spin. They should just rip off final fantasy tactics jobs.
@Archaotic: You need to go back and play D2. Because my Barbarian was dodgey as hell. (armor class = dodge in d2). Hold shift and swing some concentration and lol as no one can hit you.
@Pazu: I am the red cyclone?
Bought'd (as if it wasn't already).
@1up: ok, that was funny.
@stranger: Heaven forbid they try to make money. Atleast it isnt as bad as on my 360. Everytime I turn it on it's trying to get me to join the Army and eat Burger King.
@Devilbless: My 60 gig doesnt overheat at all. It doesnt get nearly as hot as my 360.
@Lokno: We already had Auto-surfing in surf ninjas. Look how that turned out.
@haseoreo: I agree, Bought'd
All I want to know is, did they un-nerf my ToS's chest size? She used to have the most massive mammories, then one day someone stole her cookies! wtf funcom!
I spent 700 bucks on my PS3 at the time of purchase.(60gig, extra controller and a game). I have gone through 3 xbox 360s during the same amount of time I have owned my ps3. The xbox scratched all my games and red ring'd a few times. The xbox360 is a 400 dollar (then) piece of shit. Most of the good games are…
So when can I get a pokemon game where I can play as team Rocket... sheeesh. Same gameplay style, just let me chill with Jesse and James (or butch and cassidy) and steal some pokemon from stupid kids!
Be nice if I could rip the body off it and mount it on one of my real rc cars... btw the warthog body is pretty bad ass atop an t-maxx.
Do want. I need more ways to dispense office justice.
Maybe I'll think about this next time I'm deliberately being a forum trolling ass... on second thought, I'm living in the United State of Texas and pack heat. Thank god I'm a gun toting lunatic!
@h_jeremiah: So Randy Spears is in brothers in arms? is his brother in arms in fact peter north?
@jmaster14656: After playing it, it is pretty floaty. not uncontrollably so, but there isnt much weight to the sackboy... course, it's not like they are made out of flesh meat and bone amirite???