my pirated version of spore works better than my retail version. that's some lol's.
my pirated version of spore works better than my retail version. that's some lol's.
@digipen89: but you know, typing in is too much of a hassle to get an email address.
Toadstool pimp slapped that mouthin' ho! rofl
ahhh mods.
Tom Clancey's Party Rainbow Babies Vegas?
@Jaysius: In FPS's all you do is shoot.
So if you play LBP online, with a dude, using a sackgirl... Sackmangina? Not sure.
@ssh83: They use both, There are that many instances to break up server load. They are accessible from a drop down menu so you are indeed not screwed. You just click the instance that your party leader is in (it shows an icon) and you are there.
Cough* Solidus was Different than Liquid (whose arm is controlling Ocelot... OR IS OCELOT CONTROLLING IT!?!?!?!) Que dramatic music
Couldnt they just I dunno, devote more of the Development money towards IW by not having someone else crank out a shoddy title every couple years? Seriously. Cut out the 2nd rate CoD developer and give IW their money. Let IW take their sweet ass time and make some polished ass games for us to play and not run the…
@etho: Dude no arguements allowed. You just broke the friggin law.
Win! unless somehow you are in a backwoods place and cant get online to authenticate in which case your ass isnt reading Kotaku like you should.
I never played Socom but I know that everyone swears by them. If it's anything like MGO was (I friggin loved that beta) then I'm down. Download the sucker and lets go!
God damn I love me some Metal Gear, tok me forever to watch that vid at work though, had to keep pausing it when I heard footsteps so no one would hear the awesome resonating from my speakers.
I came in Canada?? What are they trying to teach the youth of japan!?! Fox News at 9 Banzorizing this adult rated game that is teaching your childen to come into japan, probably illegally to exhume corpses and spray non sense grafiti everywhere.
I quit WoW... I havnt touched my PC since. Maybe for downloading some cartoons or checking movie times. paying bills, but not gaming. The sad thing is I keep upgrading it. Oh well. I need a fix, Age of Conan... Think we can start downloading it tomorrow. THANK GOD I need someone to give 15 dollars a mounth so I…
5 million console lead... hrm sooo....only 3.5 million consoles probably work in that sales lead?
Just waiting to buy a new DS since I cracked the hinge on mine. Gimme a new model and a new advanc wars/pokemon to play! God damnit those friggin monsters are so damn addictive.
@fbdeluxe: Probably made no money because well, it was on the friggin xbox. Now this game will make some serious cash.
I'll go 27 rounds of wii boxing with he lil shit and destroy him. I predict atleast one 1 hit KO as soon as the bell rings. I'm a friggin monster. You can be deft prince, but I'm a friggin monster and you dont want none o dat!