
She is tremendous.

It’s cute, her passion is awesome.

Now that’s just mean.

So instead of being an adult and taking responsibility for his shitty behavior this fucklord is suing the reporter who had 14 fucking sources in his original article.

Congrats Ron Johnson, I’m naming you shitweasel of the day!

Leave Ron Johnson alone. His comments may have been affected by the fact that he’s quite stupid and that might have factored in.

I’m disgusted by how unsurprising this is. That a comment like this now seems almost banal speaks terribly of the politics of the past year

If he sent one d*ck pic, he sent a dozen. This is not going to end well for him. Ladies who have received such missives from him, I entreat you to come forth! Excuse me while I go make popcorn.

/grabs popcorn and a magnifying glass

Lawsuits aka the new way to shut down the press when the richie rich in question don’t like what they say about them.

Anyone smell Peter Thiel trying to sue another liberal leaning website out of existance? Hopefully this will be thrown out before it gets started, as frivolous litigation.

I demand Brendan Fraser publicly denounce this moron. Demand!

Breathtaking incompetence is this administration’s fucking wheelhouse!

While this is awesome, these kind of stories give me pause as to the state of my home and the impression it would give to FBI raiders. Like was I really too tired to throw my clothes in the hamper last night? Would the FBI guys sit around the office post pre-dawn raid and muse “hey did you see tornado’s underpanties

If I have learned anything from the past year and a half, when it comes to news about Russia and collusion, it is always not yet time to start celebrating.

Weird that this happened the same day that Trump attacked the FBI director. Really weird.

Remember how many of the people who screamed about how hawkish Clinton is absolutely adored Joe Biden? It’s almost like the reasons many people gave for violently hating her were less than honest!

I have a Bernie Bro STILL posting shit about her.

Remember when we couldn’t elect Hillary because she was a hawk who would start wars?