
What are the odds this man is behind on his payments and looking for insurance to offer an out?

Kind of ridiculous to write an article about American motorsports without mentioning NASCAR once. It’s had one of the best seasons in recent history, with some amazing races including the Coliseum, Chicago, the Daytona night race, the Coke 600. Greatest 1.5 mile package in a decade.

But yeah, mention the netflix of

Please get out of your own asshole.
Right on Red improves traffic flow in nearly all situations. and outside of downtowns with dense pedestrian populations, it’s not a problem. It shouldn’t be a blanket national, state, city, or even municipality rule. It should be intersection specific. “NO TURN ON RED”. Everywhere

Everyone on the highway hates you.

any guesses on her political affiliation?

Bikers are trash. Yes, all of ‘em. 

If you are curious as to why Jalopnik went from being one of the best car blogs to a complete joke, the article sums it up pretty well.

“the vibes are off” FFS

This is just not the issue at all. Riding a bike to work might be nice when it is sunny and 60-70 degrees out. Anything outside of that range is a big NO, no matter how short the commute is. I don’t care that there are big trucks on the road, I don’t want to get to work sweaty, wet, cold, etc. And then have to find

Easily one of the ugliest NASCAR wrecks. Incredible he survived.

No. By regulating it they’d own the failure. It was always doomed to failure. It was unregulated, speculative, and anyone with more than 2 brain cells saw it was worthless. Let the idiots lose their money. I don’t think anyone bought into the NFT hype without multiple people advising them against it.


This must be the only first gen Neon to survive cash 4 clunkers. Looks amazing.

You mean the man who didn’t have a gun and was killed in cold blood? GTFO racist.

This comment is the downvote button.

Cops aren’t going to just give you a citation and send you on your way for driving around without a license in an unregistered vehicle no matter your “citizenship” status.

If you are going to have a gun on your hip during a traffic stop, don’t then also be aggressive to the cops. He didn’t get killed just for having a gun. You also might have missed that the gun was on the floorboard, out of its holster, meaning he either unholstered his gun or had a loose gun available during the stop.

This went down the way it needed to. I am normally very critical of any killing at the hands of police but in this case it’s pretty black & white. This “Sovereign Citizen” was the aggressor and earned his Darwin award, full stop.

Colorblind people love calling every desaturated non-metallic “nardo”. It’s not.

Leave it to Jalopnik to come in with a dumbass take on NASCAR. I think they should just skip coverage all together since they just don’t know what they are talking about.
This Daytona race was one of the best superspeedway races in the last decade. It had fuel strategy. It had 3 wide racing. It had different lanes