It’s already the law:
It’s already the law:
Your idea sucks. Luckily people who live in the country know better than to suggest somthing like this. Tractors, Horses, Bikes, Walkers, Omish, Cattle... Lots of things use a country road that cannot get anywhere near 30mph+.
Share the road. They made interstates for unhindered auto travel. With country roads like these, it could be a cyclist, could be walkers, could be an Omish buggy, there are hazards around every corner and everyone has a right to use this type or road.
Try riding 50mi in Basketball shorts and get back to me.
How so? Yeah, in the city they run lights and get in the way, but on open country roads? Looks fine to me.
Haha. Perfect. So we have lots of evidence of what he did. From the plates the Police can figure out the Who. Now we just need to figure out the Where.
Maybe he will now. Oregon State Police have a crime reporting email address.
Fuck this guy. Endangering other cars is scary enough, but I just kept thinking it was only a matter of corners before he found and killed a cyclist.
So... A blatant ripoff of the GTA Online Cunning Stunts Expansion?
I”m not saying Unions never had a place. Yes, they helped create all of the employee protections we enjoy today. But today, those protections are laws and Unions are a nusiance.
There are already employment laws against this kind of thing.
Yup. Same. The only people I know that are pro union are some of the most incompetent people I’ve ever met. They only reason they want a union is so that they cannot be let go when their employer figures out that they are only good for turning food into shit.
All I know is that there are Union guys outside my building right now protesting because the construction project next door hired a non-union glass company. These assholes are getting pay with benefits to act like children, chant, and yell all day long.
It doesn’t matter how good your engineers are when a union worker who cannot be fired for doing a shitty job gets to do final assembly and inspection.
Yeah. No shit. This is clearly the UAW just pissed that it cant get it’s slow, expensive, burocratic hands all over these new tech companies.
Even better version. Just the original slowed down to 33rpm instead of 45.
Yeah. the kid wrecked. Stewart didn’t. It may have been Stewart’s fault. but all the more reason he wouldn’t have been seeing red for the kid.
Except Tony wasn’t in an accident in this race. He had no score to settle.
You are an idiot if you think Tony was intentionally trying to hit him.