The Casual Critic

Damn that rings a bell but I can't remember what it was. Could someone elaborate?

It's worth noting that on Jake's second trip back in the first episode the homeless guy says "I KEEP telling you, you don't belong here." As in, he's the only person who doesn't reset.

Really a small part, but Jake visits Derry and bumps into a young Bev and Richie. They have a very brief conversation. Not much else. Oh yeah, Jake hates Derry and gets a very bad vibe from the place.

Highlights for me were Max cleaning up in the technical stuff and Louis killing it. Pretty much everything else was.. Mediocre.


Looks funnier than the actual show.

Anybody know how exactly Frank knew it was Jake who gave his wife the tickets?

I vaguely remember a show that aired on either CC or MTV that was about a crime fighting Rabbi and I think the name was something like that.

I do agree that sometimes you just wanna enjoy a movie without having to dissect all the race/gender/class/whatever politics of it. That being said, there are forums for such discussions and if you don't want to participate you can choose not to.

To me, Ryan Reynolds was doing his best Ryan Reynolds impression.

Finally got around to watching this. Production value is remarkable for a Hulu show as it really looks like a movie, especially where he comes out of the wormhole. They must be adding visuals like the roaches because IIRC when time pushes back in the book a lot of times it's a sort of pressure feeling Jake gets and

Doctor Who? Well, that was the only show that premiered on that date, but your username kinda tipped me off.

He raps about the same shit he regularly calls out but is also really self aware about it, which I find oddly endearing.

I absolutely would.

I finished it this weekend. No spoilers, but whoa.

They ask the same questions to everyone, except for the last, which is given by the previous interviewee.

I was in a theater a couple of weeks ago and when the trailer for this came on someone a few rows behind me let out a very low but very sincere "Noooooooo."

Just watched up to episode 8. Great cliffhangers and I enjoy the little changes in the opening dialogue. I will say the previews do this show a big disservice by making it look almost like some sort of slapstick comedy and that's way off from what it really is. Extremely watchable. B+ with 2 eps left.

Have they actually said that a year passes in the flashbacks each season?

That's racist.