I thought it was more general cult stuff with a couple rather obvious scientology digs thrown in.
I thought it was more general cult stuff with a couple rather obvious scientology digs thrown in.
I hope nobody beat me to this.
Season 3 Celebrity/Animal Appearance Wishlist:
Snoop Dogg
Exotic Bird Lady Gaga would look hilarious
Sylvester Stallion
Michael J Foxx
I think the mom got there just before they started. For one, the daughter says as much on her way out. Secondly, there doesn't seem to be any real time skip between the scenes (Bojack-Charlotte to Bojack-Penny to Charlotte seeing the balloon and walking in on them). Lastly, and this part is just my take, I think there…
Possibly my favorite single episode of anything so far this year. I can't seem to come up with another one that had me just staring at my screen and actually saying wow out loud. I almost wish I could add something more insightful to the great conversations I read on this site everyday, but fuck it. I keep shit…
I say that now. A lot. At very inappropriate times. Told my mom that, once.
Doesn't make much sense but for some reason the Hank and Diane scene where Hank unexpectedly (to Diane) gets out of the limo and intimidates her made me think of Spacey in HOC. Maybe it was just his smug, sinister vibe.
I think that's the thing though. By this cartoon's logic the chickens would have grown to become beings of human intelligence but a lot get picked (however) to live a pretty horrific life. We eat cows cuz they're dumb.
I would probably give this a B. However, that likely would be the lowest of the season and I still enjoyed it plenty. I guess I got overly invested in the drama stuff and macro plot and this episode basically could have been placed almost anywhere in the order.
That's what I thought, as well. If we interpreted it right, it may be one of the darkest ideas in the whole series. Chicken-Americans are born the same but some get raised like people and others…well others are treated like we actually treat our chickens. That's some straight up dystopian shit.
That's a little spoilery, but on my second viewing I noticed quite a few of those little easy to miss foreshadowing bits.
I thought the same thing. They never actually prove it and this show is definitely crazy enough to do something like that.
I find it hard to believe anything could beat Dave's first season.
Read this based on the headline alone. That's all I have to add.
Probably the best opening/closing credits combo on anything IMO.
I think she implies earlier in the ep that there was some messed up stuff going on but can't recall the exact quote
I'm watching this for the second time along with the reviews and I hope it's not too spoilery to say that there are AD levels of foreshadowing in these first few episodes. Even random asides and background gags may become plot points later. Love this show!
Yup. See also: Rick and Morty, Brooklyn 99, Fargo, actually a bunch of others fuck I watch too much TV.
I can't help but like this show. I know it's ridiculous and pretty much all of the negative reviews are accurate but I sorta think of it as enjoyable bullshit. Not everything has to be highbrow, I guess.
Thanks for the input. The last 2 seasons have been added to my ever expanding queue.