
I have been holding off on a WiiU due to the NX coming out. I really hope this gets ported or is compatible cause I really wanted to play it.

I think if Overwatch has taught me anything it is to not trust levels as a designation of skill. My group of level 40-60 ish players often beat 100-200 ranked players an teams. It really just means people have far more free time than us.

I had them Monday and was really pleasantly surprised. They didn’t have a strong cheeto flavor but were pretty good either way. I dunked them in some bbq sauce and that made it complete for me. I will definitely buy again.

Zarya is my main now and I won’t go back. She is just too good once you learn her and she becomes a great offensive beast dealing tons of damage.

Hit-box is still way too forgiving for Widow. Don’t have to be even remotely close to the head to have it count as a headshot.

I wonder if this is why Nintendo stayed quiet about the NX. It gives them time to still change some of the hardware before officially announcing it.

Easy way to get commendations. Play as someone no one ever plays as. No one plays as Zarya (myself included) but recently I picked her up and dominated with her and started see tons of praise.

Ive been saying this for a long time that widowmaker hit box is too forgiving. Almost all the headshots are not even on the head. Its as long as you are 2 to 3 feet near it is a hit. Should really be adjusted as that would weed out some of the terrible widowmakers out there that just spam shots.

It is sounding more and more like consoles are becoming PC’s. This is exactly why I ended up building a PC and using that for this Generation. You spend the same amount of money on upgrading as you would buying a new console.


Personally played since closed beta and its not that he is OP but has very few weaknesses. Any good bastion player knows to keep an eye out for the counters and that also doesn’t account for Mercy and/or Reinhardt protecting him. The problem is how quickly he ults (about every 30-45 seconds), he also takes longer to

It takes forever to take down Rein’s shield with Widowmaker and requires her to be in the open. That gives time to have Bastion, Pharah, Junk Rat, another Widowmaker, Soldier, Genji or McCree to attack. If you shoot enough at him you have to make him move opening up room for tracer. If you stagger shield and rotate (2

I agree, there are a lot of good players out there. I will give props when they are due. I wish the game would just come out. I don’t mind the patches along the way.

I still think they should have pushed Rein with some additional counters. He is talented but rarely have my regular group run into one character that is that dominating for so long. We usually change accordingly and counter then push out. It does suck that is is coming straight from spawn though. We did that once and

Yea double Winston is a good counter as well. The Zarya or Mercy support is an issue but still could be dealt with in time. You could even use Lucio to bounce Mercy off of Widow.

yea, the team they show highlights from clearly don’t have much experience with the game. Anytime a situation like that comes up you really need to adapt to correct characters. Widowmaker is fairly weak if you counter properly. Most of the time she isn’t very good at all. If they were desperate they could have double

Any decent team could have made him ineffective. Any good support/tank tandem would have gotten the team through that.

Nothing like spawn camping to rack up a bunch of kills. It would really just take one good rein to clear them out. He is mainly using the character to benefit himself with the wallhack/see through walls ult. Nothing like posting your highlights playing against a bunch of open beta players to get recognition. Any

Kills are not that important. Many experienced players (if you are on PC at least) will sacrifice themselves if it means winning or taking the objective. Granted when open came out I definitely took out a ton of scrubs but the less you look at is as tdm the better.

God open beta is so bad. I missed not having to play with Trolls. Not to mention no one plays the objective and thinks its TDM. I have spent entire matches being the only one playing the objective and kindly asking my team to help. Can we please go back to closed beta?