
Having owned *EVERY* iteration of the iPhone and iPad, I love iOS and the features, but I currently own a Galaxy Nexus. Many of the things you're posting haven't been true for years...

So you're saying they're going to post this again in 2 years when it's out of Beta?

Sam Biddle might have been a bit brutal, but at least he was telling the truth. BlackBerry is doomed if they continue down the same path they've been traveling the past 10 years.

Sorry didn't really mean that in response to you just clicked on the reply button on the wrong thing =P

Umm...2000 miles? So I could shoot a bullet from Cleveland to San Francisco?

1. Because New Zealand a proponent of our extradition laws. It means people can be arrested in that country for breaking laws in ours. A majority of the world have extradition treaties with us to allow the same.

Well we have a lot of fun things at the company but everyone also works very hard. We have a spectacular bunch of people working together and all very passionate about what we do. I'd agree that if productivity was taking a severe decline that something would have to change, but productivity does nothing but increase

My company does many of the same things. On-location car washes, haircuts, mani/pedi, massages, ping pong and pool tables, and much more. We have the same open-ended atmosphere with our superiors and also have a company-wide meeting every week (to congratulate accomplishments and highlight something about our

So do what I did: Tell them the site told you to call to add the feature. I called, told them the site said I needed to call to activate the feature, and she set it up within 5 minutes. They don't *have* to add it, but if it's on the site and they're willing to do it, why would you feel a reason not to? (assuming you

That's actually completely irrelevant. The "clause", as you call it (it's not a's a function of the contract), specifically states that if Verizon makes an unauthorized change to your account that you have the ability to cancel the contract, outright.

Easy way to know this is fake: the vehicles take a different path the second time around than the first. Using Quantum Levitation, the vehicles would take an identicle path (by definition) every single time around the track (exactly the same). In the first time around the vehicles criss-cross to opposite sides of the

Oh, also, using 60GB in a month is idiotic. If you don't think Verizon would take note of someone using 60GB in a month on an unlimited plan, you're out of your mind. There's *absolutely* no way to use 60GB a month without tethering. I could stream HD music all day long, every day, and not achieve 60GB of data in a

^^ This. No reason to give millions of people this kind of information so that Verizon takes note of it. That's ridiculously bad tact.

They can try. Guess what they'll do when I threaten to sue. is arguably the best in the business, IMO. Many of my friends use the service because of me, and they all love it, as well. It's cheap, it always works perfectly, and their customer support always goes the extra mile to make sure you're satisfied. Unlimited storage and unlimited traffic are included in

Citations for all:

2 things:

Actually, it's not much more than a simple actually *IS* a simple link. It's called Masking. When the system finds a series of letters and numbers that match a format, it does "X" action. For instance: When the system finds 9 numbers in a row, separated either by dashes or spaces, it believe it to be a phone

OK, then how about this. When I get an email in Outlook that requests a meeting (not a meeting request, but an email that includes a request in normal text), Outlook will automatically add it to my calendar, set up an notification, and add the name, numbers, and emails of all attendees (that it grabs, automatically,

The Apple box? Visit any website with a clickable link (whether a URL or e-mail address) and it will be highlighted and underlined in blue. Have Skype installed? Then phone numbers will be dealt with the same way.