
Who says it'll be $700? The other 2 Nexus phone sold for $530, outright.

Concurring? They're agreeing the stock market?

Well my 3G WatchDog says I used 250MB from Friday to Sunday night, and I watched 3 TV shows (The Office, Community, and Psych) that were stored on the internal memory. In addition, I streamed about 45 minutes of music over the course of the weekend, and took around 40 pictures (then subsequently showed the pictures to

lol what technology? None of it was *created* by Microsoft. They filed the patents before the creators did, so they sue to maintain control.

In other words, 3 weeks after the first version of the Galaxy S II came out, they've effectively trounced it in the specifications. This is ridiculous for those of us that purchased it, day one.

That's still not very good...I have a Galaxy S II which is on all day long (when I'm at my desk it's in the dock, but that's only about 2 hours of the day). I send upwards of 100 texts a day and use, probably, around 100MB a day of data. On top of it, I listen to music, make plenty of phone calls, and sometimes just

Because that would be ludicrous and ridiculous? At that point the leasing company would have just purchased him a license plate.

That would make sense...except that he drove the same 2007 model for about 3 years...

About 80% of our company (80% = ~1000 users) have blackberries. Do you want to know the only reason people like them is? Because of the battery life.

Ya I'm still not sure what the second paragraph is meant to say. It read it 3 times and I have no idea.

Yes, UFOs are real in the literal sense. Why? Because hundreds of things are flying around the atmosphere that are unidentified. But UFO enthusiasts aren't looking for those things...they're searching for aliens.

lol you're out of your mind if you think your cell phone can take pictures almost as well as an SLR...even the pictures the new slew of phones (iPhone 4S, Galaxy S II, etc...) take isn't even remotely close at anything bigger than 800x600.

...and there are 1.33 billion people in China. That's 0.0075% of the nation's population.

Well maybe in select markets...but nobody on XDA has had a problem like that, and they pretty much have a problem with anything.

This. I've seen Point & Shoots do the same thing...that's not amazing. It's great video and for many families this would be perfect. For filmmakers? No. Only the poorest of poor filmmakers will use the iPhone 4S for film-making. It doesn't have the right contrast, the right depth of shadow, or the amount of detail in

Amendment 5? Hrm?

This. Even Microsoft Word would have caught this. Come on, Giz.

I was just about to say this. It was constantly in the Tech news because he drove around without a license plate from the time he bought the thing. He got tickets on the car like every 2 weeks, and there are more than enough pictures of the car sitting in handicapped spots (when he wasn't ill)

Why was there no testing on AT&T outside of the iPhones?? I have the Galaxy S II on AT&T and my average connection speed is like 5 or 6 down and 1.5 up. I've hit around 8 down, but that's about the highest I've gotten.