
I didn't say Wikipedia was bad...I use it more than any other resource. I was explaining why professors don't allow it to be a source in college. I never had a class in college that allowed it, and for good reason.

Umm...because anyone can edit articles and fill them with complete nonsense? Much of what is written on Wikipedia is sourced...but many times it's sourced from sources that have absolutely no credibility at all.

Your grammar don't even realize that you killed your own argument.

lol ok now *that* would be awesome. The McDonalds thing makes it incredible.

Right...but she's one person that probably saw the news or an article online and was interested. My mom is in the same position as her, and doesn't give 2 deuces. I bought her an iPhone and Kindle last year and she loves them both...but I asked her today about the new Kindles (explaining them and even showing her

That's, basically, what tear-dropped design means. The slope around the edges doesn't matter at all, neither does the center being thicker than the rest. It's about one end (either the top or bottom, in the case of a rectangular phone) being thicker than the other. An example would be taking a Droid X and smoothing

Well it'll obviously be a best seller if Sam Biddle's mom is interested.

lol you don't come here very often, do you?

Most of those things are purely synthetic, actually. They have been for *years*. Bone china isn't synthetic, but it's also very rarely used/purchased.

You need to win the lottery to take a grill and $50 worth of burgers and buns down the street? That would feed like 100 people lol

I was going to post the same thing. Then I realized it's Casey Chan, and remembered that he has no grasp of the English language or grammar when it comes to writing articles.

You've obviously done your legal homework.

Umm...none of the previous iPhones were tear-dropped? Do you know what "tear drop" means, in terms of design? It means one end is larger than the a, wait for it, tear drop.

And're the one jumping to conclusions. You're basing your hatred of AT&T Wireless off of your discontent feelings of AT&T DSL? Are you kidding? Who cares how T-Mobile's 4G speeds compare to AT&T's home DSL...that's irrelevant. Compare T-Mobile's 4G speeds against AT&T's 4G know, the thing you

According to Google, the Nexus devices are their primary flagship devices. They're the ones that get the updates the earliest (most of the time), they're the ones they promote the most (Google), and they're the ones Google puts some money into funding.

That's because for a long time Android wasn't tested...

Please don't do that. I'm a slight audiophile, but I definitely agree with Bluecold on this one. Every audio or visual review on Gizmodo basically comes down to 2 camps: "Amazing, best experience I've ever had!" or "This doesn't suffice when compared to the #1 in the category, enter-name-here". There's very little

Has nothing to do with AT&T...has everything to do with the United States government. This is the 4th generation of cellular data speeds in this country (hence: 4G) and all have been relatively slower than their Canadian counterparts. They're all about in line with each other, but the government has repeatedly

Strange. I've had LTE since it was available here in Cleveland (on 2 devices, actually) and have never broken 18Mb...which is pretty much still what I get today. The "Speedtest wasn't optimized" thing is a complete sham. I've tested 100Mb connections accurately on Speedtest...where the traffic is coming from is

I was actually just going to post the same thing. Of the 4 articles I've looked at today 4 of them had typos. Where, exactly, are these articles being written up??