
Ya, it sounds ridiculous. If only Google knew what they were doing and weren't the owners of the biggest smartphone/tablet operating system on the planet. It just sucks that all functionality comes down to the naming scheme and has nothing to do with how well it performs.

They're such idiots lol most Anons are children with no goals and no ability. I was invited into Anon once and after about 2 days I realized why I didn't belong: I have a job, I make good money, and I actually know how to do things beyond a SQL injection on a weakness found through Google searching. Anon is a joke and

No that wasn't my point at all. Wasn't trying to put you down, was saying the system that the site uses is absolute rubbish. I'm not bad-looking by any means but I highly doubt I'm in the top 10%...and with having a high rating like that I should be getting 100 messages a day. I log in once a month or so and usually

Don't feel bad. I signed up on the site as a joke, got the "You're in the top 10% according to looks!" email...and yet I've gotten I think 20 messages from the time I signed up until this point. Probably been over a year since I signed up lol. Don't get me wrong, I don't really care if I get messages or not (since I

Actually it would be easier. Without G-Forces moving it around the disc would never have the opportunity to be scratched or released.

Umm....which is the reason they have the doors open on the passenger side. That's kind of the entire point lol

Exactly what I was going to say. About 3 of the editors on this site have basically resigned to posting anything that pops into their heads...irrelevant of whether people will care.

Err...isn't a "nicely coordinated routine" exactly what magic is?

Fairly certain mine is near the top. I know the G-Shock Pathfinders are upwards of $400 but I think even the most expensive (Master of G series, if I'm not mistaken) is around $550 brand new. Anything above the $200 mark is usually pretty high quality though (with a few exceptions, anything above that price point will

LOL didn't see the ending coming, but freaking hilarious.

Interesting, because the most expensive G-Shock that Walmart sells is like $55. The GDF100 (the one from the video) starts at like $130 I think (I owned one and then sold it because it's junk). The one I'm using now is the GW9200-1, a $350 model. The ones they sell at Walmart are complete trash, while the ones you can

I can't tell if you're telling the truth through this whole thing, but every medication on the planet says, "Do not consume with alcohol"....*AND*...."do not operate heavy machinery"....*AND*...."only take this medication under doctors orders"

Verizon's the same way lol what are you talking about? I have both Verizon *AND* AT&T for multiple services and they've both gone up in price over the years. Why? Simple. People are using *WAY* more data than in the past. I use around 8Gb of wireless data on my AT&T device and around 3Gb of data on my Verizon wireless

Let's look at the facts: You took *SOMEONE ELSE'S PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION*, you drank it down with a *BEER*, then you went for a *DRIVE*.

I was an Airborne Linguist, so no, I wasn't performing air shows or anything but I was hanging out with pilots all the time. I actually haven't heard of many acrobatic teams following their leads into the ground. He definitely wasn't facing courts marshal and jail time...if he was forced out it wasn't from his

I don't know how the Navy does things (probably sloppily ;P ) but as a former member of the Air Force I didn't really see a problem with that maneuver at all. They were still probably around 50-75ft from the deck (looked to be closer to 100ft, but hard to tell with that camera angle), but that's more than enough for

I have the Atrix 4G (also through AT&T), which uses the Tegra2 dual-core CPU/GPU combo (8-core GPU I believe) and the difference is *definitely* noticeable. I don't get lag using the device in almost *any* situation (except a few live wallpapers that haven't been updated yet because they're not designed to work with

What need do they have? Companies sell information like that all the time for more than any single person makes in a lifetime. I know a lot of tech companies would love to know what kind of demographics are using iPhones the most and what they're using it for (if they use the GPS, etc...)'s also the watch that's sold at nearly every BX in the country (and PXes around the world). It's the watch that's sold at every Basic Training base in the there are literally millions of military and former-military members wearing that watch too. I have 3 of them.

You realize that with Jailbreaking you can also change the data symbols...right? You can use the 3G symbol even when you're on EDGE, or maybe whoever jailbroke it just made it say T-Mobile at the top instead of AT&T (and it's still running on AT&T). Don't believe everything you see in pictures/videos