
Verizon's the same way lol what are you talking about? I have both Verizon *AND* AT&T for multiple services and they've both gone up in price over the years. Why? Simple. People are using *WAY* more data than in the past. I use around 8Gb of wireless data on my AT&T device and around 3Gb of data on my Verizon wireless

Let's look at the facts: You took *SOMEONE ELSE'S PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION*, you drank it down with a *BEER*, then you went for a *DRIVE*.

I was an Airborne Linguist, so no, I wasn't performing air shows or anything but I was hanging out with pilots all the time. I actually haven't heard of many acrobatic teams following their leads into the ground. He definitely wasn't facing courts marshal and jail time...if he was forced out it wasn't from his

I don't know how the Navy does things (probably sloppily ;P ) but as a former member of the Air Force I didn't really see a problem with that maneuver at all. They were still probably around 50-75ft from the deck (looked to be closer to 100ft, but hard to tell with that camera angle), but that's more than enough for

I have the Atrix 4G (also through AT&T), which uses the Tegra2 dual-core CPU/GPU combo (8-core GPU I believe) and the difference is *definitely* noticeable. I don't get lag using the device in almost *any* situation (except a few live wallpapers that haven't been updated yet because they're not designed to work with

What need do they have? Companies sell information like that all the time for more than any single person makes in a lifetime. I know a lot of tech companies would love to know what kind of demographics are using iPhones the most and what they're using it for (if they use the GPS, etc...)'s also the watch that's sold at nearly every BX in the country (and PXes around the world). It's the watch that's sold at every Basic Training base in the there are literally millions of military and former-military members wearing that watch too. I have 3 of them.

You realize that with Jailbreaking you can also change the data symbols...right? You can use the 3G symbol even when you're on EDGE, or maybe whoever jailbroke it just made it say T-Mobile at the top instead of AT&T (and it's still running on AT&T). Don't believe everything you see in pictures/videos

lol except nobody was allowing that information to be backed up without their knowledge...that was *not* part of the agreement, nor was it included in the list of things apps can do without prior approval. It may only be backing it up now, but who's to say it won't send that information in during the next update?

I've never been groped, never been put through a backscatter machine, and a few times not even put through the X-Ray...going through the airport in full ACUs or other Air Force paraphernalia and being friendly to them as they talk to you I guess does the trick...

Your self-righteousness is staggering (thinking your opinion is more important than any other human being...who does that sound like?), and you're giving atheists a horrible name. If you want to spend your time putting down others you can climb under the same rock you're throwing at them.

lol most people won't get this, but it's funny.

lol it also explains the inability for a Harley to maneuver on the ground...they're made for the air!

I think that's what breaks are made for, fellows...spending some time to do what I want for an hour.

My colon is operating at 100% efficiency. On top of that, I'm able to play sports without falling over (by cause of death), run for more than 38ft, and I'll still most likely live as long or longer than you.

Apparently you don't know how most work networks are governed...they don't simply switch around to people's screens and see what they're looking it. It pops up warnings if certain words are loaded or if certain types of pictures are loaded (using algorithms to decide if it's acceptable or not). I'll give you a hint:

You're right, because even an electric motor can sound like it's running correctly when put next to a Harley.

When "Sex Toy" and "Vibrator" pop up at words in a title or description it's *COMPLETELY* NSFW. shouldn't be putting up stuff in the main listings that are NSFW...that's the entire *reason* for keep things of that nature separated from everything else. This is a tech-blog, not a sex blog.

Actually I'm a former member of the active for the past 4 years *you* have paid for *me* =P

As bad as that sounds people don't understand big numbers...$400 million is only around 1/10,000 of the annual federal budget. That's virtually nothing in respect to annual spending.