
Well.... he’s not wrong 

Then you know precisely dick about Colin Quinn. Sorry that he’s not enough of a brand name for your populist sensibility.

Wasn’t an “n-word” that got him canned from SNL. He said “fuck” on air. That was it. 

Then you know precisely dick.

I figured that James Gunn would rather do Pre-Teen Titans.

The sequel trilogy isn’t much better, ssadly. 

Bring a Christian is bigotry? Nice stereotype, hypocrite

Yeah, this deserved an entire article. “Grr, I don’t like this, and you shouldn’t either!”.

Man, there’s an awful lot of elitism in these comments. I can almost hear you all adjusting your fedoras as you discuss your superior and oh-so-enlightened movie tastes.

Settle down, Disney Princess 


Pull yourself off the cross, quit blaming others and be willing to work. The only person keeping you from being there is yourself and your attitude. 

You KNOW he is. 

Friend, I am going to make 80k this year. I didn’t even finish high school. I got here by the sweat of my brow. It’s possible, but you have to quit whining and blaming everyone else for your sense of entitlement. A lot of commenters here aren’t willing to do that. 

I love it when lefties talk tough. Makes me sincerely wish that you would try. But you won’t, because your kind only gets physical when the odds are overwhelming in your favour and you are in no danger whatsoever. Pussies with shit dye hair jobs.

Awwww, someone is jealous. 

And how well did it work out? I swear, the Modern Left is living satire.

You are jealous, hence your desperation to label it as fake. The sad thing is that you could be there yourself, but it would require hard work, long hours, initiative, and not melting down into histrionics, pointing the blame elsewhere when things don’t go your way or hurling juvenile level insults when things don’

Look at your username. Fuck off yourself, you obsessed perpetual-victim. Dramatic is the only language your ilk speaks. 

Not nearly as weird as watching people who have benefitted from it decry it. And make no mistake, despite the victimhood that you will try and paint yourself with, you have indeed benefitted from it.